Just my two cents regarding the hit or miss information coming from corporate stores. Anyone here who has ever worked and had bosses can attest to the fact that different managers are, well, very different. And with Verizon, we have different levels of management: store managers, regional managers, etc.
I imagine some managers push sales above all else, don't care about corporate gag orders, or at least don't enforce or push those gag orders in their stores. I imagine other managers are the "follow the rules" sorts, refusing to risk their jobs for the sake of a sale, coming down hard on employees that don't simply supply the corporate line. Take this one step higher: some regional managers may be passing things along freely to store managers, others may be cracking down with iron fists.
The information has to flow through multiple gatekeepers, and past multiple opportunities for gag order enforcement. Thus, inconsistent answers may not mean much with regards to release date. All it could mean is that management is communicating inconsistently.