I'm as frustrated as everyone else (been stalking the GN since July!), but I have to Verizon grudging respect for making the best of a VERY tough business situation. Here's how I think the drama has played out so far ... give this theory a shot by putting yourselves in the shoes of Verizon's sales-strategy team:
Big Red has been out trying to sell two other very expensive phones (RAZR & Rezound) in the hottest buying season of the year. They've purchased a large quantity of each one and need to unload as many as possible to avoid eating the inventory cost (or giving them away for next to nothing). Now, they HAVE to be concerned the GN will effectively suck the life out of these other phones -- which explains the well-after-Black-Friday launch and near-total radio silence about the GN to date.
However, all the leaks/rumors about a 12/9 (or other) release date just continues to build the GN's buzz far more than Big Red wanted. So, why not delay the launch again to 12/15 -- or at least fake another delay -- to kill some buzz and pressure buyers into giving up and buying the RAZR or Rezound? After all, the GN is gonna be a hot seller even after the holidays, other phones be d*mned...
Bonus: By leaking stories about an OTA update to fix some alleged glitch, Big Red can play the "looking out for our customers" and "nation's most reliable 4G network" cards, thus saving some face with otherwise-enraged customers who want the phone now, NOW, RIGHT THE F--- NOW!!! (Okay, so a few folks are enraged anyway ... but not most ... I hope.)