Congratulations Nexicans!
Wow it feels weird tonight. After many months of traveling this journey with y'all, speculating, comparing, joking around, bickering, googling, wikipediaing, youtubing, bragging, teasing, getting teased... this is... The End?!
What's weirder for me is that after the whole Bionic -> SGS2 -> Function -> Stratosphere -> Prime -> Nexus quest, I ended up bailing at the last minute for an irresistible
(for me) Black Friday deal on another phone. How anti-climactic was that?
THANK YOU to the mods, who've really done a bang-up job here keeping us more or less on track with good humor.
Steven, you deserve all of the accolades, just stop apologizing when it's really someone else being the jerk.
OTD, keep up the spirit
(hundreds of years old though it may be.) And
Early, thanks for being a class act. Not too many people could be so overtrained & overqualified for your modding role while also being patient w/newbies and always eager to discover and explain the new tech.
(IMHO you shoulda gotten a freebie Nexus too. Sigh.)
I'm actually really happy w/my fast-running Rezound with its sharp-as-hell screen, and I've had fun making it jump through some hoops already. And yet... ah that Nexus and its bloat-free ICS and promises of intriguing NFC possibilities to come.
Good luck folks, you are going to love love love your new phones!
Looking forward to reading the happy new owner reviews, and I'll catch you here in the forums. It's almost midnight here on the east coast: For those ordering online,
get out your credit cards now!
- BlueBiker
PS: When Rezound finally gets ICS, it'll be the better phone for sure.