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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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Hi everyone! I'm new here as well but have been following this thread from the beginning. I haven't had anything useful to contribute to the thread so I've just been reading through it all while obsessing about the Nexus Prime. I can't wait until next week when we can finally get some answers. I'm currently on AT&T but am ready to jump aboard Big Red if they get the Prime first.
Just wanted to put one up for the man too.

RIP Steve Jobs. You helped create this wonderful world of tech we all love. You are missed.
This is a big if. If it does come to big red no sub's full price.

that is entirely possible. in fact, i don't think it's unprecedented. recently i read about a phone (and i can't remember the name) that was coming to VZW, but that it wouldn't be supported by VZW. so, you pay full retail, and get to use the network.

at the time, it was thought that something similar could happen with the Nexus. i don't think it's likely, especially since VZW would be the first carrier to have ICS - it doesn't make good business sense (at least to me) to simply leave the first ground-breaking ICS device "out in the cold"...

I am only aloud to be negative around here. Just like CK is branded for being the buzz kill around here.:rolleyes:;):)

i was just hoping to shed my "rudimentary moron" label from other forums, and take on a new, more bad-arse persona. foiled again...
I was just thinking...outside the box as they say.

Verizon has the largest LTE network in the nation right seems that Samsung and Google would want to show the speed of their device with the fastest network to begin with right...but I noticed that AT&T announced that they are beginning their own LTE network and will have 15 cities activated by the end of 2011, and Sprint has also announced their own LTE network beginning early 2012.

Wouldn't one Nexus device set up correctly work on all three carriers networks once they activate their own LTE system?

Maybe the SCH-i515 was developed for all three carriers on their LTE networks and is coming to them later so they can get their systems up and running first?

Nope they are all different LTE networks.
Hi everyone! I'm new here as well but have been following this thread from the beginning. I haven't had anything useful to contribute to the thread so I've just been reading through it all while obsessing about the Nexus Prime. I can't wait until next week when we can finally get some answers. I'm currently on AT&T but am ready to jump aboard Big Red if they get the Prime first.

Welcome aboard!!!
I really appreciate vz_wired is here. He (or she?) kind of feels like Yodadroid on Bionic forum before. Everyone including me doubted his credibility at first, but we all know how things turned out in the end.

The 14hr battery claim didn't turn out to be credible.

Number 2, MY biggest issue is with the model number. This unannounced Verizon phone is model i515 and if you recall the Charge is the i510. In my opinion that says a lot. To me it says we are looking at the Charge 2 (or whatever name it drops under)

It's just a model number, doesn't need to signify anything.
Didn't always agree with his methods, but Steve Jobs did have an incredible mind.....and a family .......and he was still a young man. This makes me truly sad.

Yes and I don't care how much we hate on the iPhone without Jobs Android and the iPhone would have never been what they today.
If it were not for Steve Jobs we wouldn't be enjoying our Android devices. He's the definition of an innovator. Even though I'm not an Apple fan I have the utmost respect for him.
Talking about LTE. I have a book called WIRELESS HACKS, by Rob Flickenger and Rogar Weeks. Claiming that WiMax will be the biggest network around. Has this changed. The books last copy right was in 2006.
If it were not for Steve Jobs we wouldn't be enjoying our Android devices. He's the definition of an innovator. Even though I'm not an Apple fan I have the utmost respect for him.

x2 bro. Only thing I didn't like him for was his view on Flash, he was a innovator but was about as sharp as a bowling ball when it came to not going to flash. Only thing we have to worry about now is Apple trying to hire our entire dev peeps to keep the iOS going and on the cutting edge. I don't think they'd leave us though.
We are all worse off now that Steve Jobs died. What he accomplished was incredible. He was brilliant and innovative. I am not a fan of the iphone, but it is a solid device that just works. Same with all of his other products. Competition is the great motivator and today we lost one of the best. RIP Steve.
Would I be bad if I suggested we moved all the Steve props into another thread and made that one just for people to drop in and show respect? Also, mainly Steven, would such a thing be too difficult?
I'm sure there IS one in the Lounge... I think we're just pausing to pay respects to our arch-tech-nemesis. The Prime stuff shall soon resume :)

No no. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with it. In fact it only makes these forums that much better. We all probably have our moments in here where we give it to apple, or even jobs himself. But, the fact that this highly dedicated android community stops and pays its respects to a brilliant man, even if he lead the competition, I think, shows just how great this place is.
Wow. I have never seen such a wide range of feelings on the little scraps of information and pictures we have to date. Thinking in terms of VZN, they range from not getting it at all, getting it in Q1, to getting it as early as Oct. 27th. And the differing opinions on what will be in it hardware and software. I wish that VZN_Wired would give a free Nexus Device from VZN to the person who guesses the most correctly as what this device will be when we see it. Or if we don't see it, then VZN_Wired will offer to give a Vigor or RAZR instead.... This could be fun right.... :~)
I may hate on Apple now and then but I'm sad to see the passing of Jobs. Really great to see the respect being shown by fellow Androidians, this is a good forum for sure.
Wow. I have never seen such a wide range of feelings on the little scraps of information and pictures we have to date. Thinking in terms of VZN, they range from not getting it at all, getting it in Q1, to getting it as early as Oct. 27th. And the differing opinions on what will be in it hardware and software. I wish that VZN_Wired would give a free Nexus Device from VZN to the person who guesses the most correctly as what this device will be when we see it. Or if we don't see it, then VZN_Wired will offer to give a Vigor or RAZR instead.... This could be fun right.... :~)

I doubt it simply because VZ_Wired probably shouldn't be telling us anything. Would be sweet though, unfortunately, I doubt I'll be in the running as there are so many people here who have great points that are tons better than my ramblings. lol
This i just read about the info of the Nexus Prime being delayed until next year............

P3Droid P3Droid

Any says prime is delayed till next year just tell them to stfu...they are full of it.
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