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***Official Galaxy Nexus Pre-Release speculation thread**

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I wish I could be an optimistic person and cling to any positive signs I see, but I'm not.

Same here. Until Verizon says so, I am fully expecting it to NOT launch this week at all. Everyone is talking like the 15th IS THE DAY, like it's a fact. It is far from it.
I don't know about this.

The 9th was a pretty set in stone date until issues cropped up at the last minute. There were emails leaked, stock in stores. Frankly, I think Verizon is planning on releasing it with little fanfare.

I know there's a TON of excitement here on this board, and I'll be at my store at 9 AM Thursday (unless we hear something different), but the Nexus is a phone that is intended for developers. The Nexus S didn't have a huge release and I don't expect this one to either. It seems like a huge release because we're an insulated group of extremely excited tech geeks/nerds but outside of us, there isn't a ton of buzz.

Ask 100 people on the street about the phone and 95 of them will probably have never heard of it, or if they have, don't see why it's any different from a Razr, Rezound, Bionic, or iPhone.

I'm excited, but I think we believe this phone SHOULD be promoted. But to the layman, it's just another phone.

If nothing else, the fact that it has a new OS that will be on many of their phones, in all of ranges, next year, should warrant some marketing, regardless if the specs of this phone appeal more to geeks.
I hope for all the VZW CSRs' sakes that the phone does launch on time. Who knows how many angry/drunk/overhyper Skyrim fans are lurking on this thread. We'll start seeing news stories about store employee assaults mentioning "crazed customers" talking like Gollum about a late Nexus with reports of multiple injuries of employees from taking arrows and other sharp objects in the knee. Or, at the least, pelted in the knees with old Droid 1s.


I don't know. I keep picturing her in the Parent Trap, when she was still a sweet kid. Kind of pervy to look at her naked.

Also, she's now so trashy, it's just sad.

Can you see any heroin tracks, or are those airbrushed out? :p

Yeah, I never saw Parent Trap.

Oh no, don't worry, they took those out. haha. To be honest, it doesn't even look like her. They did a lot of air brushing and computer work.
I called VZW today, about the $100 promo. She found it when I said the "3g to 4g" promotion. She said I was elgible (I live in the Charlotte, NC area), and that either the loyalty department or the local corp store could give it, and it WOULD stack on top of the NE2 discount, as well. She said to just be sure the store gave it to me when I buy, or to have them call the loyalty department to get it done.
If nothing else, the fact that it has a new OS that will be on many of their phones, in all of ranges, next year, should warrant some marketing, regardless if the specs of this phone appeal more to geeks.

I agree. How do you NOT promote a new OS? What better time then the first time it releases?
Why does my thanks button disappear all the time?

Known issue with our software, glitches occasionally like that.


Gun and/or hunting talk started up when the thread was young and drew a lot of complaints so we shut it down.

Please keep it behind hide tags and let's see if it will fly this time.

Debates over the righteousness of gun ownership, or however you want to put it, will be deleted and suggested over to the Politics and Current Affairs forums.

That's under the common sense rule for not thread hijacking.

Thanks! :)

So we've come full circle with no Nexus release. At this rate we should be typing posts in binary before we have this device in hand...

I hear you.

Anyway - just trying to accommodate everyone.
Okay why is it everyone else's CSR's have gotten emails about the 15th but mine havent? Just called one store "The Galaxy Nexus? There's no timetable for release." Really now? No timetable at all? I really have to hold back my anger at this point.
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