Got my Steinheil Crystal Clear protector today ... I have never actually had a screen protector on a phone before, because I never wanted what I have seen on others phones, they looked aweful.
I can now understand the rave reviews on these Steinheils, with it held up at an angle under a light it looks like a peice of glass .. you cannot tell its a protector its flat and clear and as shiny as it looked without the protector (who knows about long term scratches n such but initially its definitely glass like as far as looks)
I got zero dust under mine after install, its perfect as far as I can tell and I am looking at it like some sort of anal psycho
Finger drag is very minimal ... does it feel exactly the same as without it? No but its very close and only a slight drag which is really only noticible because I had been using it naked ... I do not expect to notice this in the slightest once I use it for more than the few minutes that I have had the protector on so far.
I swiped several times and held at an angle under a light, it does seem to definatly reduce the fingerprints alot better than the raw glass.
Very happy with this and glad I got it.
Easy install as well ... never put one on before but I did wet a small peice of paper towel with a small amount of windex to get it perfectly clean and right before install used the supplied micro fiber cloth, then used supplied squeegy (had my phone powered off during install)
Once powered on, again its as clear as it was without it, not a blur in sight, very nice.