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Accessories [OFFICIAL] HTC Incredible Accessories Archive Thread

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Just applied my zagg and it looks flawless to tell you the truth. I have an ipod touch with a zagg on it too and it has crazy orange peel effects. Examining my incredible, i see no orange peel, unless i shut the phone off and hold it at an angle against a lot of sunlight. As long as I can't see it when its on, I could care less.

Now, I am just waiting to see how I like the resistive texture.

Btw, why did I buy the full shield? The back of the phone has a great texture and is really quite durable and is also replaceable. I have no idea why i added a shield to the back of it.
I bought one and after applying it several times was not happy with the results. I threw it out. I'm sure it f=wrorks for many people, but not for me. I do, however like the concept of covering the who front of the phone.
Looks awesome, I could only hope mine looks as good as yours. I have a bunch of very micro bubbles in the middle, hopefully they will dissipate when it sets. How are you liking the texture of it though? Is your finger movement responsive enough for you?

The first day it seemed to have a lot more grip than the stock glass. After a few days I don't even notice.

Question to those that love the static types. Do they repair themselves if you scratch them? Are they self healing?
Can you post some close up high resolution macro photos?
It would be nice to have photos without the shield for comparison but understand if you don't want to take it off.
any one get their crystal clear yet? i just got mine and my phone is all of a sudden is possessed. it keep selecting things i'm not selecting and scrolling to the right. help!!! i rebooted (and pulled battery) about 10 times already. i want to see if someone else have the same problem before i pull this thing off. i've done the two calibration already as well. g-calibration and Settings > Language and Keyboard > Touch Input > Text Input > Calibration Tool.


edit: ok figured out what my problem was. there's a portion that goes thru the optical joystick (it's a cutout). i left it there so it didn't like that. i took that portion out and it works great now. phew!!! i'm glad i didn't take the whole thing out.

How's the feel of the screen? how easy is it to slide your finger across or swype compared to a trackpad or mousepad or the orig glass?

How is it with picking up finger prints and smudges compared to the glass?
I just installed mine so I'll weigh in on it. I got it on with no air bubbles and no noticeable dust under the screen, but it was a painstaking process to do so.

It does a very good job of resisting fingerprints. Works as advertised.

But I have never used an anti-fingerprint before, and I will say that the loss of clarity is VERY noticeable. It does not make the screen hard to read or anything like that, but it is very obvious that the screen has something on it causing it to be somewhat blurry and dull as compared to a crystal clear screen protector.

Previously I had the Verizon screen protector on, and with that I could barely tell anything was on the screen, so I imagine the Steinheil Crystal Clear would be at least as good as that. With the Anti-Fingerprint, you instantly know something is on the screen reducing clarity somewhat. Anybody that says an Anti-Fingerprint screen protector is nearly as clear as a Crystal Clear screen protector is smoking crack.

Overall I like it and will leave it on, but it will definitely take some getting used to.

Does it allow you to view the screen in direct sunlight?

Currently I have a Zagg on mine until I can order a Steinheil, and w/ the zagg I still cannot see the screen at all in direct sunlight or even a slightly sunny area. Makes it hard to use the phone outside here in the Valley of the Sun.
What are the issues with Verizons screens? I am using one and it is crystal clear, low cost, and very easy to put on correctly. It seems like the great product
I dunno... I like my Zagg. There's absolutely zero orange peel effect (is this something that happens over time?) and if not for the tiny, TINY gap between the edge of the protector and screen you can't even tell it's there. If there's a (((better))) screen protector out there I'd like to see it.
Does it allow you to view the screen in direct sunlight?

Currently I have a Zagg on mine until I can order a Steinheil, and w/ the zagg I still cannot see the screen at all in direct sunlight or even a slightly sunny area. Makes it hard to use the phone outside here in the Valley of the Sun.

Its the price you pay for that beautiful year round weather..
(jealous in Chicago)
Ok, I know it's none of your responsibility, but can at least one seidio 1750 owner do an at least pseudo scientific test? You all post your daily usage results like it actually means something. People's use changes constantly whether they know it or not, and I guarantee the biggest factor in people getting extended life of their phones is nothing but placebo. Think I'm wrong? PROVE IT. Turn off all the radios and play the same movie over and over from a full charge until the phone dies, and record how long it took to die. Then repeat with the stock battery. My instinct tells me that the results will be startlingly close to the results of the battery boss test, which, as far as I know is the only pseudo scientific test done so far.

So I'm calling you 1750 owners out. Prove that your overpriced batteries weren't a total waste of money. I'd love to be proven wrong but I dont think I will be...

Edit: some specifics for an effective benchmark. Charge the first battery to test all the way up. then enable airplane mode, disable location services, disable switch screen orientation. disable the screen shutting off, and disable auto screen brightness. Unplug the charger. Turn off the phone, and reconnect the phone until the light turns green. Turn on the phone and find a video , song or album that you could set to repeat indefinitely. Start the timer, the music/movie, and unplug the chord at the same time. Stop the timer when then phone completely dies. Repeat EXACTLY for the next battery. I would be happy with results generated by this test.
I installed the ZAGG shield myself on my storm and it was crappy. This time I had Best Buy install the ZAGG shield for me. I watched them carefully install it, and it came out awesome. No bubbles or "orange peel" at all.

Better having them do it imo, because if it gets screwed up, they will fix it. Just make sure they take there time, and don't leave till it's perfect.
This is all a matter or preference, really. I was pretty nervous before buying my zagg protector after reading all the comments on this site about how there are much better ones out there. However, I didn't want to scratch my screen waiting for the protector to ship, so I just went ahead and bought one at BB and installed it myself. My first protector install -- went on ugly initially but after curing it came out great. You can only notice the peel effect in direct sunlight and you can't even use the phone then because you can't see the screen when it's that bright outside anyways. The stickiness goes away/you get used to after a couple days. I can slide my finger very smoothly. Now I've only used a zagg so there may well be much better ones out there, but if you want to get the zagg and these posts are scaring you off (like I was), don't worry about it and get the zagg. I don't regret it at all -- except for one minor issue. The screen protector I bought scared me into thinking I scratched my screen during application -- turns out there was a defect in the protector. No worries, tho, zagg shipped me out a new one for free (no S/H costs either) and in the mean time my phone was protected by a great, albeit defective screen protector. Kinda annoyed me but in the end I'm glad I did it because with my luck I probably would of scratched the screen waiting for one of those other protectors to come in the mail.

just saw this on the phantom skinz website:

A common household hair dryer may be used to help dry the pattern at Step #13. Be careful to use it sparingly and only on the lowest setting. The film can burn or shrink if overheated.

step 13??? geez, there's only like 5 steps total for a zagg...
sigh...my fade to black case started chipping near the volume button on the upper left side. I want it to last 2 yrs.. and my 15 days is up.. booo :(
You should have returned it right away and you would have had a full refund.

But enough is enough. You are the first to make it on my ignore list. Congratulations! I finally figured out how to use the internet! Yay!!

The nice picture of the boy with no body hair was very appealing to me.

Hmmm..... :rolleyes:

I ordered both the anti-fingerprint and Crystal Clear.
Two of each showed up today at the office.

I started with the anti-fingerprint, because this is the one I really wanted.
Install was very easy, but I tore that sucker off in about two minutes.

For me the loss of clarity was too much for me.

Now rockin the CC and lovin it
I, like many of you, ordered from the SGPStore on Monday as soon as I noticed the Steinheils were in stock (around 1:00 pm EST). I sent a response to their support team about when the orders would be shipping, and below is the response that I received this morning.

I didn't ask about canceling an order, but I could foresee that as my next question assuming next Monday comes and goes sans shipment.

Just as an update, I received an email today saying mine had shipped, so I'm not sure what's going on with their inventory. It shipped out USPS, so no telling when it will get here...
These screen protectors seem to be just hit and miss with people. I had a PhantomSkinz on my BB Tour and it had the orange peel effect, and it felt a little tackier than the naked screen. A few days ago I put a Zagg on my Incredible. Guess what, it has a little orange peel and it feels tackier than the screen itself. For me they look and act identically. Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if they're made out of the same exact stuff.
Please PM your order #. I will follow up and make sure it will be done in a timely manner.

Sorry about the problem.


Hey I already got it taken care of. Thank you though. I appreciate it.

Anyway, after using the Seidio for 3 charge cycles thus far, I am really impressed. I do not have any scientific data though. What I can say is that before I couldn't get through a full day, and now I can get through a full day with time to spare. Fits fine, no gaps whatsoever.
HTCpedia has it up but unavailable without an image.

HTC Droid Incredible 2150mAh Extended Battery & Door

I believe it will look and feel very similar but not sure.

I do know that it will be released around the first week of June.

So about 3 more weeks.
good looking out, gonna bookmark that link, if price or new back isn't to outrageous then that might be the route i take. (of course i have to get around to convincing the wife that i really do need to buy this phone in the first place.)
ps yes im still a i910 user
I got mine from Zagg and love it. I ordered a previous protectoroff ebay but hated it, which led me to Zagg.

None of my friends even notice that I have a protector on it. It also is a great feel for me.
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