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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I honestly don't think the idea of them coming out at nearly the same time is that far fetched in this case. Reason being, The Nexus One is a special case due to Google being the only one selling it. I would agree with them not coming out at the same time if it was gonne be two very similar android smart phones IN STORES, but this will only be one in stores and one online completely separate of Verizon. Unless Google and Verizon completely rewrote the agreement, and Verizon will carry the N1 in stores (nice thought but totally unlikely), they could come out around the same time.

I was trying to see if the model number given by that FCC filing matched anything on the watermark of the phone in the leaked pics, but it doesn't appear to. I don't think that means anything, because the watermark may not even reflect the model number they use with the FCC, but just something I was looking at.

My choice between these will be largely in the specs arena. If the Incredible final specs end up being 256 RAM, I'll probably buy the N1. I'm already not a huge fan of it, because I'm in the boat of people who strongly dislike the red backing and I DEFINITELY don't like how the more I look at the pics, the more I realize it's shaped and looks very much like the Iphone from the front. I'm also in agreement with most others on the fact that of the 3 (Nexus, Bravo, Incredible), I like the Bravo looks the most. Nexus is also very close though, because I've always thought it was sexy looking, now I just wish it had an optical pad like these new players do.

I'm very much about making sure I like the look of a phone aside from the specs, but I'd say the specs take priority slightly. That being said, if this thing released with damn near identical specs to the N1, I'll be heavily considering it due to the shitty support from Google on the N1. Always more comfortable having a store to go to, and then at least I can go look at the thing before I buy it. I still think Google really ****ed up in that regard, because I can't tell you how many phones I THOUGHT looked awesome in pictures, and then when I went into the store and got to play with them and actually see them from all angles, I didn't like them at all. Not being able to see something in person and hold it before buying it is a dangerous proposition, very dissapointing that Google doesn't really care about that in the case of the N1.
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256mb of RAM will bum me out, but it won't be the end of the world, at least not in my case.

I am still rocking an LG Voyager. I haven't even moved into the smartphone arena because I've been waiting for an Android phone that did what I wanted with specs that I respected. It is really going to come down to when these phones actually come out and how they will be priced/billed. My girlfriend, one of my best friends and his wife all work at Verizon. I didn't even own a cellphone from 2003 - 2008. Now I am entrenched in cellphones.

My girlfriend works in LNP, she is who you talk to if you are porting a number in or out. My buddy works in Data, he is who you talk to if you need tech support and troubleshooting assistance. His wife works in customer service, she is who you yell at when you don't understand your bill or are having a problem that don't require another department. None of them have any sort of extra info Android phones or when/if they will be released. My buddy's wife has been at VZW for 6 years or so, he has been out there around 5 and my girlfriend for 2. They get small trainings and are given basic crash courses on the phone. My buddy in Data gets a little more info, since he will be one of the people who will end up troubleshooting problems for the phone.

None of them have heard a word about any of them. My buddy has the Eris, he thinks the Droid is bulky, clunky, has a flimsy and wasteful keyboard and doesn't believe that Motorola has the cred to be making smartphones. His wife and my girlfriend both have the MotoDroid. I've played extensively with both phones, hell I play with the Droid nightly. I am just not happy with either of those phones, but I am getting restless.

I was due for an upgrade back in October. I waited. November rolled around and I was told just a little longer... so I waited. December came and went, still waiting. Then... I was just sure that January was it! Nope. Now it's nearing the middle of February and we aren't any closer than we were in November to having dates or specs hammered out. =(

As long as I get the VZW discount from my girlfriend and the plan isn't ******ed or different (I already have a data plan on my Voyager since all of the plans just changed), then I will get whatever comes first. I'm pretty easy to please at this point. I've even considered the new Palms (WinMo 6.5.3 weirds me out. WHY DID YOU MOVE STUFF AROUND?! =( ) if HTC and VZW can't get a phone out soon.

I am hoping to have a Passion/Bravo/Incedible/NexusOne/Android phone in my hands by the end of March. God, I hope I can wait THAT long.
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Legend isn't coming to VZW. Those specs list it as a GSM phone.

That means nothing. All the specs we see of any leaked phone lately has been Euro GSM. I hope it isn't the legend, or I'd guess a lot of us will just get the N1.

Did anyone else notice how the usb/charger in the video (YouTube - HTC incredible leak) was plugged in on the side like the droid? The N1 has it's plug on the bottom. One of the things I liked about the droid docks was they were all for landscape layout.
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Did anyone else notice how the usb/charger in the video was plugged in on the side like the droid? The N1 has it's plug on the bottom. One of the things I liked about the droid docks was they were all for landscape layout.

I noticed that and didn't like it at first until I saw some of the docks for the droid. The landscape layout would work much better for a car dock if using the GPS.

I've been lurking around here for a couple of weeks now waiting anxiously for an android phone. I'm currently an iPhone user on Cincinnati Bell. I'm getting tired of the poor reception and slow data speeds though so I'm definitely going to Verizon. I started to jump on the Eris (don't really like the physical keyboard of the droid) until I ran across this community and really started getting excited about android. I just got my wife a G1 last week to get a little taste of it. The incredible looks like it could be my answer.
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Just a side note, but i'm really really glad to see all the first time posters and former "lurkers"...it says something that this topic (HTC Incredible) has made so many people decide to become active participants in the community and I encourage all the others out there reading this and "lurking" to join up, say hi, contribute your thoughts, etc...
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Honestly, the behavior of this community (i.e. lynch mob) kept me away.

There is just no where else to go for good HTC USA discussion.

Agreed on both accounts drhill and some of us are trying to constantly keep tempers and ego's in check. Unfortunately a lot of the techo bunch are socially akward in other facets of their life and their behavior on forums is no different. I assure you though that the whole of the community means well and is helpful so welcome and looking forward to your thoughts...
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I noticed that and didn't like it at first until I saw some of the docks for the droid. The landscape layout would work much better for a car dock if using the GPS.

I don't see the big deal with the connector on the side or bottom in relation to the car dock. Definitely shouldn't be your deciding factor on what phone to get. Picking up a USB cable with a right/left angle connector for a few bucks solves the problem.
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I don't see the big deal with the connector on the side or bottom in relation to the car dock. Definitely shouldn't be your deciding factor on what phone to get. Picking up a USB cable with a right/left angle connector for a few bucks solves the problem.

Ya no biggie where the connector is just think if it is on the side maybe they can create a nice desktop/nightstand adapter when it plugs in goes to landscape and works like an alarm clock? Or a dock for when your at work have it plugged in watch movies on it and not drain your battery but none of use would ever think about using a cell phone during work that way right, it
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Ya no biggie where the connector is just think if it is on the side maybe they can create a nice desktop/nightstand adapter when it plugs in goes to landscape and works like an alarm clock? Or a dock for when your at work have it plugged in watch movies on it and not drain your battery but none of use would ever think about using a cell phone during work that way right, it
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I don't see the big deal with the connector on the side or bottom in relation to the car dock. Definitely shouldn't be your deciding factor on what phone to get. Picking up a USB cable with a right/left angle connector for a few bucks solves the problem.

Oh no. Certainly not a deciding factor. Coming from the iPhone world, I had just never seen a landscape dock like that. Just found it interesting.

Pretty much my deciding factor is going to be the first Snapdragon phone with decent specs and at least a 3.5" screen that I can get the family plan with.

I really liked the Nexus One when I first saw it and the Bravo (from the pictures we have seen) is definitely my favorite. The Incredible isn't bad and looks very promising too though.

Right now my only experience is the G1 so I haven't seen the sense UI yet. I think I'm going to have to make a trip to Verizon and play with the Eris a little. Just afraid it will make me want one even more and I really want to wait for something a little more powerful. :)
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Hey all, Im trying to kick the lurking habit and this seems like a nice forum to do that. A couple pages ago two members mentioned they have an S1, Im in the same boat. I hate it. Its frozen mid-call, opening a text message bogs the system down so much apparently that it puts up that damn clock for 5 minutes, and the BB app store is horrible. I basically use all things google and cant wait to get my hands on an Android device. The S1 was a nice physical-to-touch transition device and im ready to go all in for a touch screen device. Cheers
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Hey guys, this was said somewhere else but I just wanted to bring it to light for everyone. The HTC HD2 has a 1230 mAh battery. That is smaller than what the Incredible was tested with by the FCC (it could/may come with a bigger battery, I suppose, at release.) So, with that said...the HD2 has the same speed processor as the Incredible and Nexus One, it has a larger/more energy taxing screen (4.3") and overall is just a larger phone with a smaller battery when compared with the Incredible or Nexus One. So...with that said, I honestly don't think we have anything to worry about as far as the battery on this thing, and as Mykpfsu has stated earlier in another thread, from the looks of that red back plate, this phone may come with an extended/larger battery. Either way, I think we have nothing to worry about as far as the battery goes, as it is still a larger mAh battery than the larger HD2.

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Hey guys, this was said somewhere else but I just wanted to bring it to light for everyone. The HTC HD2 has a 1230 mAh battery. That is smaller than what the Incredible was tested with by the FCC (it could/may come with a bigger battery, I suppose, at release.) So, with that said...the HD2 has the same speed processor as the Incredible and Nexus One, it has a larger/more energy taxing screen (4.3") and overall is just a larger phone with a smaller battery when compared with the Incredible or Nexus One. So...with that said, I honestly don't think we have anything to worry about as far as the battery on this thing, and as Mykpfsu has stated earlier in another thread, from the looks of that red back plate, this phone may come with an extended/larger battery. Either way, I think we have nothing to worry about as far as the battery goes, as it is still a larger mAh battery than the larger HD2.

HTC HD2 Battery Test

Hmm-mmm. Good-'un. Color me convinced then that the new FCC info is for the Incredible and it will be in my hands soon.
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I'm another lurcher, just registered. What do you guys think about HTC Sense UI...I happen to really like the simplicity and user friendly appearance of stock Android 2.1 on the N1. Do you guys think there will be a way to disable sense in the android settings? I'm new to android but I saw a few youtube videos of people disabling sense UI and returning to the stock android cupcake home.
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Hey all, Im trying to kick the lurking habit and this seems like a nice forum to do that. A couple pages ago two members mentioned they have an S1, Im in the same boat. I hate it. Its frozen mid-call, opening a text message bogs the system down so much apparently that it puts up that damn clock for 5 minutes, and the BB app store is horrible. I basically use all things google and cant wait to get my hands on an Android device. The S1 was a nice physical-to-touch transition device and im ready to go all in for a touch screen device. Cheers

then you must be hating using google maps on the S1. At first I got used to the slow loading and when you scrolled around, I just figured it was normal to wait 5 seconds for the next block to load. Then when I temporarily had a Droid- WOW! google maps was lighting fast and it seemed like THATS how google maps on your phone should work. It would locate me immediately and when I started scrolling around to see the next areas off my screen, that was already there, didnt have to load! It was only when I was maybe 10 miles past my current location that the screen temporarily loaded and that only took about .5 sec. Then I came back to the S1 and man, what a waste. Its so damn frustrating especially when you are driving. Then it just hangs up and you have to reboot and that takes 8 mins to reboot, and by that time youve already reached your destination

pain...real pain
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I'm another lurcher, just registered. What do you guys think about HTC Sense UI...I happen to really like the simplicity and user friendly appearance of stock Android 2.1 on the N1. Do you guys think there will be a way to disable sense in the android settings? I'm new to android but I saw a few youtube videos of people disabling sense UI and returning to the stock android cupcake home.

Yeah, I understand that everyone likes different things. Me, personally, I've been holding out for a phone that HAS Sense on it. So, the Incredible is what I've eagerly been waiting for.

As far as disabling Sense UI...I believe you could just root the phone (which I've never done before but I'm sure there are guides on exactly how to do it) and you could install a stock version of Android 2.1 on it and there you'd have it! I'm sure it's not THAT simple, but I can't see it being much harder than that either. I'd almost bet that the version of Android that is on the Nexus One would go right on the Incredible without much trouble at all. However, I don't have an Android device yet and therefore haven't done any hacking on one yet.
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Yeah, I understand that everyone likes different things. Me, personally, I've been holding out for a phone that HAS Sense on it. So, the Incredible is what I've eagerly been waiting for.

I'm coming from a dumb phone so I have no idea what the differences would be with sense vs stock android. I know the eris has it but I haven't played with it. My VZW contract expires in a month and I've been anxiously waiting for the N1 but I'm very hesitant to buy a phone that I can't touch unless I give google my credit card number. I'm hoping the Incredible arrives soon...maybe I'll end up loving the sense UI
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I'm another lurcher, just registered. What do you guys think about HTC Sense UI...I happen to really like the simplicity and user friendly appearance of stock Android 2.1 on the N1. Do you guys think there will be a way to disable sense in the android settings? I'm new to android but I saw a few youtube videos of people disabling sense UI and returning to the stock android cupcake home.

I owned the droid for a while before returning it and I honestly had no issues with stock android. I was able to play with an Eris (man that sounds dirty :D) and I really liked the extra "polish" it had. While I'm a minimalistic kind of guy, I really appreciated the refined look of Sense.

I know there's been some discussion of the 2.1 update and the fact that it will have pinch zoom and whether or not that will negate the need for Sense, but I personally feel that Sense would only sweeten the deal and should not be seen as "extra junk" on top of android.
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Yeah, I understand that everyone likes different things. Me, personally, I've been holding out for a phone that HAS Sense on it. So, the Incredible is what I've eagerly been waiting for.

As far as disabling Sense UI...I believe you could just root the phone (which I've never done before but I'm sure there are guides on exactly how to do it) and you could install a stock version of Android 2.1 on it and there you'd have it! I'm sure it's not THAT simple, but I can't see it being much harder than that either. I'd almost bet that the version of Android that is on the Nexus One would go right on the Incredible without much trouble at all. However, I don't have an Android device yet and therefore haven't done any hacking on one yet.

I don't have any experience in this matter either, but I was reading over in the Eris section of the forums, there is a pretty hot thread right now about disabling Sense and using stock home. There are debates going on surrounding performance as well as battery life, so I do not know advantages or disadvantages, but I do know from reading there that you can disable sense and use stock home, and then if you begin to wish you had Sense back, you can just re-enable it....or so it seems.
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I have a question about the nexus one, sorry guys I know this is an Incredible thread. I have been hearing that you can't get the discounted price for the N1 if you have a family plan on Tmobile, you need to have an individual plan. Just wondering if this is true and if VZW will follow the same policy. If this is true I can pretty much say it is the Incredible for me, the inability to see the phone and not being able to get a discount on the N1 is major mistake on googles part if this is true.
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