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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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lol... sure has, bud! All of the newbies are coming out of the woodwork because they have to register on the Forum in order to have access to things such as the User's Guide and other items that Anon has posted. Just seems like a lot of constant whining now - for whatever good THAT does! :p

Well, since Verizon monitors this forum they will get their order faster... duh. Whose the newbie now?:p
To give a tangible example of the weight of the incredible for those of you worried about it. The phone weighs in at 4.6oz which is approx 130.1 grams. A nestle crunch bar weighs in at 1.55oz or approx 43.9 grams. So to get a feel for the weight, just go to the store and hold 3 nestle crunch bars which have a combined weigh approx 4.65oz and just consider the extra .05oz the weight of an sd-card or screen protector or whatever.

Is that with or without the wrapper? If it weighs more than 4.6oz I'm not gonna buy it. Cause anything more than 4.6oz in my pocket is going to make me walk funny. Thus causing my back to be misaligned. Then I will have to seek a chiropractor for 2 years until my NE2 is up again!!

Edit: BTW this was sarcasm. If the phone weighed 1lb I would still buy it.
lol... sure has, bud! All of the newbies are coming out of the woodwork because they have to register on the Forum in order to have access to things such as the User's Guide and other items that Anon has posted. Just seems like a lot of constant whining now - for whatever good THAT does! :p

To give a tangible example of the weight of the incredible for those of you worried about it. The phone weighs in at 4.6oz which is approx 130.1 grams. A nestle crunch bar weighs in at 1.55oz or approx 43.9 grams. So to get a feel for the weight, just go to the store and hold 3 nestle crunch bars which have a combined weigh approx 4.65oz and just consider the extra .05oz the weight of an sd-card or screen protector or whatever.

appreciate that!
what a random comparison..... lol

did you just happen to have a nestle crunch sitting next to you?

Not exactly, but I did just buy a fundraiser candy bar from a guy at work and saw that there was a discussion about the weight of the incredible going on. So i just thought a candy bar comparison would be practical since they are available everywhere. Finding the RIGHT candybar to use in the comparison took some googling though :).
Anyone know of a good holster for jogging for the Incredible.
I am getting my new jogging shoes in about the same time and would like to listen to some tunes on my new incredible with out the worry of having it break into thousand pieces.
BTW here are my new running shoes...

At the great risk of impinging on the 'How much does your 4oz weigh' and 'what did my csr say' debates [jk, kinda]........

The DInc um carries a note saying the the DInc doesn't auto-switch to car mode when loaded in the car cradle. The obvious reference is to the Moto Droid behavior, which does switch to car mode in the cradle.

Anyone have an insight about this feature?
I'm wondering if the DInc can be tweaked to auto-switch.
At the great risk of impinging on the 'How much does your 4oz weigh' and 'what did my csr say' debates [jk, kinda]........

The DInc um carries a note saying the the DInc doesn't auto-switch to car mode when loaded in the car cradle. The obvious reference is to the Moto Droid behavior, which does switch to car mode in the cradle.

Anyone have an insight about this feature?
I'm wondering if the DInc can be tweaked to auto-switch.
I think the problem is, judging by the picture, the car dock isn't a dock as much as it is a mount. It doesn't plug into the Inc.
Anyone know of a good holster for jogging for the Incredible.
I am getting my new jogging shoes in about the same time and would like to listen to some tunes on my new incredible with out the worry of having it break into thousand pieces.
BTW here are my new running shoes...


cool ones....great for lifting/squatting+deads ...
Anyone know of a good holster for jogging for the Incredible.
I am getting my new jogging shoes in about the same time and would like to listen to some tunes on my new incredible with out the worry of having it break into thousand pieces.
BTW here are my new running shoes...


Nice choice! But you should definitely go with the KSO instead.
How did you like them? Were they comfortable. I like running barefoot but get cuts and scraps all the time.

I hadn't really been doing any barefoot stuff before using these. It definitely changed how I walked, etc. I could "feel" stuff with my toes. They're as comfortable as a shoe that size can be. I ended up switching back to my old style of running shoes. If you're already into barefoot running, they might be just what you're looking for. Mine are now my water shoes. :D
Having been on vacation, I've been gone a few days.. my this place has changed!

Welcome home! How was California and Disneyland, etc?

I am finishing up somethings where I am now and moving back down to Carlsbad in about three weeks! I'm a California native who has had enough of the weird white stuff that falls from the sky up here in the winter months (and months and months) :D
Having been on vacation, I've been gone a few days.. my this place has changed!

Please tell me about the best dinner you had on vacation!

I'm sick of wading through 2,753 posts about people calling the CSR's every 5 minutes. I mean REALLY? You called them, great, now RUN to your computer because WE all need to know that. And then there are the other 1,492 posts about extended batteries - that don't exist, yet people want to know if it will fit in holsters and covers - that don't exist yet(other than a picture on a web site). Then they get mad, repeat the question 5 times and can't understand why people don't answer the question. Maybe it's becaaauuuse THEY DON"Y FREAKING EXIST YET!!!!!!

Welcome back! :D
Anyone know of a good holster for jogging for the Incredible.
I am getting my new jogging shoes in about the same time and would like to listen to some tunes on my new incredible with out the worry of having it break into thousand pieces.
BTW here are my new running shoes...

Those freak me out!!! They remind me of gorilla toes! LOL :p
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