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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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I've held it so i'm good for now :D.

But others are still looking for a fix :confused:.

I'm just doin' my part to ease the feenin' :cool:.

Help is always appreciated and contributing is what makes a community. It's just funny, I can see people so hard up for the experience that they peal themselves out of their chair, emerge from their parents basement and lurk into a store for the first time in 6 months, just to get the "feel" for it. "Keep calm and carry on." (<----- can anyone name the quote without looking it up?)
I usually use a holster, but I clip in on the inside of my pocket

Thats exactly what I do too. I've got a Dare right now and have a great holster for it. It's kind of a smoke color plastic that when I light up the phone I can see through so I know if I missed a call/txt or whatever. I took the actual clip off it so it doesn't add much to the size of the phone and fits in my pocket really nice and still protects the screen. I hope to find one similar for the Inc...
Is it just me or is it extremely annoying when reviewers call this the best Android smartphone or the best smartphone on Verizon? Why can't they compare it to all smartphones?

That's like saying the Patriots are the best team in the division. It's true, but they're not going for they division title. They are going for the Superbowl. Is it because it's that blasphemous to compare to the almighty iFone? Just seems like shortchanging the Incredible.

...yeah but the Jets are the best in the division now :D
Sorry to go all "Off-Topic" :rolleyes:, but anyone else sitting on a google voice invite they're willing to part ways with?...I requested access over 3 months ago and still no love from Google yet :(. Thanks in advance.
Desktop charger is at the top of my list, but i just thought of something....
The picture from the launch package that as far as i know is the only evidence of the desktop charger that we have.

It just says "desktop charging cradle", and has a slot for the microUSB plug that would go into our phone...

Can we assume that this item wont have a wall plug? which would suck.
That all it is is a cradle into which we could plug our charger? and if we wanted to use this in one place and the charger in another, we'd also need to buy a charger?

How much would they charge for that given that there would be no charger included?

Someone tell me im dead wrong...please

I don't know, but I would bet that if you wanted to move it around, you'd have to buy a separate charger. They're pretty cheap though.. under $5.
I see that everyone is a bit on edge not unlike children the week before Christmas!! Do I have to send Santa a letter saying you haven't been good? rofl! :D
To give a tangible example of the weight of the incredible for those of you worried about it. The phone weighs in at 4.6oz which is approx 130.1 grams. A nestle crunch bar weighs in at 1.55oz or approx 43.9 grams. So to get a feel for the weight, just go to the store and hold 3 nestle crunch bars which have a combined weigh approx 4.65oz and just consider the extra .05oz the weight of an sd-card or screen protector or whatever.

what a random comparison..... lol

did you just happen to have a nestle crunch sitting next to you?
And then there are those of us who will wait for a week or two after the release and get it for $99 on Amazon or Wirefly.

After 2 weeks it might be $149.99. It wont be $99 till around the end of may. The droid went for $149.99 at wirefly on 11/18...It showed up on Dell's website for $119.99 on 11/19. BB had it for $99 on 11/27 however that price was not available at all Best Buys.

Odds are that in 2 weeks you can find it for $120-$150 however it will probably take about a month to drop to the $99 level...

And if it helps at all, walmart had the moto Droid for $188 on 11/5, meaning if you wait just one weak you should be able to save a little green...
Having been on vacation, I've been gone a few days.. my this place has changed!

lol... sure has, bud! All of the newbies are coming out of the woodwork because they have to register on the Forum in order to have access to things such as the User's Guide and other items that Anon has posted. Just seems like a lot of constant whining now - for whatever good THAT does! :p
Geez, what a spectrum of results... some people getting the phone over a week early, some still don't show any sign in the system of their pre-orders and may even end up getting the thing the following week.

It was my distrust of Vzw's online capabilities coupled w/ the need to be home for FedEx signature that persuaded me to just p/u one of the babies in the store on the 29th. Looks like that was a solid move now.

That was my reasoning exactly. I now have a confirmed appointment with one of the salespeople at my local Verizon store for next Thursday at 9:00am (the minute the doors open). Even have a paper copy confirmation for the appointment! :D
I thought i read in the past that you were going to sprint for the evo???
Change your mind???

Glad to see you're keeping up at home! Here's the score: though I'll have a family plan, my bro and parents will be paying their own portions of the bill. So, what was ~$30-40 difference in the monthly cost as a whole, breaks down to more like $5 extra per person to stay w/ Verizon. Granted, that's largely because most of them are sticking w/ dumbphones even though you'd get a smartphone plan on Sprint for less. They all seem to have cold feet about going w/ Sprint, so they're willing to pay the extra cashola.

If it were my call alone, it would be on to Sprint. I found nothing to dislike. But, the Incredible is terrific, so I'm a winner either way.
After seeing several of you discussing that your NE2 was to far out, but that some of you had luck getting the date changed, I thought I would try. My NE2 was in August and after several phone calls with a no answer, and even my corporate rep saying she couldnt help me, I tried the method of emailing customer service from the website, and lo and behold it worked.:eek: Below is my original email to them and their response. For those of you in the same situation maybe if you word it correctly it will work for you as well!

My message to them

I am a longtime customer of Verizon both professionally where I manage our corporate cell phone services (in which I promote Verizon) as well as personal. In one form or another I have been a customer of Verizon's since 2001. My prior number for reference was xxx-xxx-xxxx. I was an early adopter of the Storm 1 and as you know this phone has been quite buggy and a frustrating experience for me, but I have been sticking with it because I knew you would be releasing the HTC Incredible. I have been following the development of the Incredible since Jan. of this year, with great anticipation. Anytime a collegue of mine or a friend is thinking about buying a cell phone and service I have told them to wait for the Incredible and Verizon for I believe you have the best service out there, and now with the ncredible the best phone out there. Currently my NE2 discount is not avaliable until early August, because of this I am respectfully requesting that due to my loyalty to Verizon and my prompt payment history that you move my NE2 date up to April 29th (Release Date of the Incredible) to help me obtain your wonderful new device and free me from my Storm blues. I would also like to note that this fall I will not only be re-upping my 2nd line's contract but adding an additional line for my other daughter for Christmas.
Your help is greatly appreciated

And Their response:

Good Morning Mr. ,

Thank you for contacting Verizon Wireless through our website. My name is Lanora and I am truly excited to hear that you are interested in upgrading to the HTC Incredible. The HTC Incredible has a hair-trigger Snapdragon processor, super-advanced Amoled display, and 8-Megapixel camera with autofocus and flash, it's the fastest, sleekest Droid we have releases. This phone is " Incredible", no pun intended. I can certainly understand why you are inquiring about moving your New Every Two date up to April 29th to obtain the New Every Two credit valued at $100.00. It would be my pleasure to assist you today.

Mr. , I have wonderful news! I have changed your New Every Two date on wireless number ending in 4554 to reflect today
So I was in Costco last night and went by the wirless kiosk. They guy there looked like a used car salesman. As soon as he opened his mouth, I knew I was right. He starts to tell me the Droid is the be-all, end-all phone, he has one, the physical keyboard is awesome, blah, blah, blah and that I was mistaken that there was so much hype over the Incredible. He claims Costco probably won't get it in because it doesn't do anything differently than the Droid, and the Droid can be had for so much cheaper now that it's been out a while. The Droid was on special for $99, plus their accessory pkg (wired headset, car charger, case) and he said he could always give me SOME kind of deal to match pricing if I had NE2 or needed an early upgrade. But, if I got a lower price, he couldn't give me the accessory pack...then a female employee walks by, and he just hands her a case for her phone. I say if it's that easy to just give those out, why be a cheapo and not throw it in if I got a lower price? Besides, I can now get 2 Droids for the same price via VZW since they restarted their BOGO again or just go through Wirefly or Amazon and get it for dirt cheap. LAME!
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