Haaa. You are either one of the a-holes or an enabler. Get a clue.
Oh, and just to prove my point - did you even read Mskgreenel's last post?! Bwaaa. She threw a fit and it turns out she's getting the phone early. Thanks for proving my point exactly.
Okay, is being an a-hole a person who is vigilant when they spend a lot on a purchase and wants to make sure it get's handled correctly, or is it someone who sits back and passes judgement on everyone else calling them a-holes?
And really, if the only problems you got is having to sift through extraneous posts, I wish I was in your shoes! Did your scrolling finger get sprained? There are worse problems to have. They are not calling you, so why do you take this as personal?
And if you read her post, she's getting it because she called in.