Android Enthusiast
Sorry, but posts from a bunch of people about what truck their INC is on and what city the FedEx truck is in currently and what time they ordered and what their confirmation number is and the specifics of their conversation with their VZW CSR telling them blah blah nothing different blah blah are indeed vinegar. This was supposed to be (and has primarily been) a place to share information about the phone, not about your phone. Now it is nothing more than a diluted status-update thread with virtually no information of any value. And what little information of value there is is buried under a mountain of crap, or should I say it's drowning in a pool of vinegar.
If you truly wanted to take the "honey" approach, you would start a separate thread for people who want to obsess over and share information about the status of their shipments. Basically saying "I don't give a damn what the purpose of this thread is, I'm going to use it how I want" is immature and selfish and the kind of thing I learned was inappropriate when I was 2. BTW, have you noticed that the primary posters - Steven 58, NKT, etc. - are gone? Gee, can you guess why? It's because people like you turned this thread into a worthless steaming pile of dung where the only information I can now get is how long it takes a phone to get from Ontario to Carlsbad.
Dear Members,
Apparently the 'primary' posters are gone b/c I & 'people like me' ruined the thread & turned it into a 'worthless steaming pile of dung' or something. I would like to apologize....
The Droid Inc, Incredible, Dink whatever you want to call it is no longer a secret!!!! Everything from specs to accessories is out there in the open. I believe there are threads specifically for that information.
So things changed because there is NOTHING left to LEAK or speculate about.
Quit attacking me b/c all of this phuckery is really immature and annoying.
If you don't like it DON'T READ IT ANYMORE and comment here. Besides the few idiot & sexist douchelords on here I've meet some cool as people on this forum. Some of us are EXCITED about DELIVERY of our devices and want to share with each other and guess when the FedEx person will ring our bell!
If this thread has turned into something non-relevant to you then LEAVE and go be relevant with the 'others'