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***Official HTC Incredible Thread***

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Does anyone know if this is possible to come to VZW even after we saw that (ugly) Incredible? Would they really change it that much after we saw a boot screen on that other phone? I hope so. The Desire/Bravo is awesome!
The Bravo/Desire is great and all but it looks like it's dropped 720p HD video support. Big disappointment in my book. Not to mention it's a GSM phone which is a no-go for me since I'm a Verizon loyalist. the Incredible, as mentioned elsewhere, may have a larger image sensor for HD, notice the larger lens on the back. If you could care less for HD video, I can understand your salivating over the Bravo/Desire. But for me, this is a feature I really want in my phone. Give me a Bravo/Desire with HD video and Verizon bands and I'd be ecstatic.
The Bravo/Desire is great and all but it looks like it's dropped 720p HD video support. Big disappointment in my book. Not to mention it's a GSM phone which is a no-go for me since I'm a Verizon loyalist. the Incredible, as mentioned elsewhere, may have a larger image sensor for HD, notice the larger lens on the back. If you could care less for HD video, I can understand your salivating over the Bravo/Desire. But for me, this is a feature I really want in my phone. Give me a Bravo/Desire with HD video and Verizon bands and I'd be ecstatic.

I'm opposite of you, I really don't care about the HD video abilities, but I do prefer something aesthetically pleasing. I have liked the way the N1 looked since the day they came out with it. I was not a huge fan of the initial leaked pics of the Bravo, but these new renderings look more like the N1 w/physical buttons and a trackpad which all add up to being the device I'd love to have. I think at this point I have made up my mind that the specs for the Incredible (if they hold to be true) do not justify spending the money on as it will end up being outdated quite rapidly. For me I either want the newly rendered Bravo (Desire) or the Nexus One. Must be on Verizon or it's a deal breaker as I live in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas get junk coverage from all other carriers.
I'm opposite of you, I really don't care about the HD video abilities, but I do prefer something aesthetically pleasing. I have liked the way the N1 looked since the day they came out with it. I was not a huge fan of the initial leaked pics of the Bravo, but these new renderings look more like the N1 w/physical buttons and a trackpad which all add up to being the device I'd love to have. I think at this point I have made up my mind that the specs for the Incredible (if they hold to be true) do not justify spending the money on as it will end up being outdated quite rapidly. For me I either want the newly rendered Bravo (Desire) or the Nexus One. Must be on Verizon or it's a deal breaker as I live in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas get junk coverage from all other carriers.

I live NORTH of Pittsburgh, North of 80 -- So, It's Verizon or nothing!
I live NORTH of Pittsburgh, North of 80 -- So, It's Verizon or nothing!

Oh damn, if you're North of 80 then you really won't get anything. I was living in Butler until recently (moved to the city) and TMo & AT&T are manageable, but nothing compares to VZW. How far up are you?
I noticed that the first two phones on this page (The Legend and The Desire) have the same exact screens; same time, same date, same place, etc.

Guess we'll have to wait until tomorrow for HTC to straighten this out?
Oh damn, if you're North of 80 then you really won't get anything. I was living in Butler until recently (moved to the city) and TMo & AT&T are manageable, but nothing compares to VZW. How far up are you?

LOL around Clarion.....it's north of 80 12 miles called Leeper - -near Cook Forest. When we bought land for our house, we didn't have any signal -- After we set the house and we moved in (BAM) full Verizon signal.
LOL around Clarion.....it's north of 80 12 miles called Leeper - -near Cook Forest. When we bought land for our house, we didn't have any signal -- After we set the house and we moved in (BAM) full Verizon signal.

Got ya, I had a friend that went to college at Clarion so I'm pretty familiar with that town. I used to have T-Mo, but pretty much anywhere north of Slippery Rock it was useless. I wish I wasn't so confined to VZW, but hey, I am paying for the service, might as well get the best that I can.
As a dad with 2 small kids, I would make use of the HD feature quite regular. I know this is not an essential feature for everyone, but it is for me. I have a Sony HD camcorder but I cannot slip it into my pocket and quickly take it out to catch those spontaneous moments. I agree however that the Bravo/Desire is more aesthetically appealing. Until more is know about both the Incredible and the Bravo/Desire I cannot say for certain which will be the phone for me.
I couldn't care less about about HD video and any phone with a trackball (N1) is worthless.

This thing is perfect. I'm in med school and will be up studying at 3:30----can't wait.
I don't see how we can just rule out the Desire/Bravo not coming to VZW. Is there really no chance to have that sexy phone on the amazing network? I sure hope we get that as the Incredible. And heck, the codename is Desire (ERIS, etc.)
I still stick to my guns that the Incredible is the Verizon version of the Bravo/Desire. I have yet to see any Bravo/Desire specs that mention CDMA with Verizon bands. I'm hoping for more clarification tomorrow.
Let's not forget the mystery HTC device that cleared the FCC with Verizon bands. The phone has yet to be identified to my knowledge. The only problem with that phone is it only has a 1300mah battery which is inline with the HTC Legend specs. Of course the Legend is a GSM phone as well. Could this be a CDMA variant of the Legend...I hope not because I could care less about that phone.
I don't see how we can just rule out the Desire/Bravo not coming to VZW. Is there really no chance to have that sexy phone on the amazing network? I sure hope we get that as the Incredible. And heck, the codename is Desire (ERIS, etc.)

i'll jump in this with you... lets suppose that back in Nov when we heard that the desire and the passion were coming out, and we presumed that the desire became the eris and the passion simply got delayed... lets say say that really what happened was the passion (which looked N1ey) was really the desire which got delayed and the eris simply was an unnamed phone that popped up alongside the droid, and it happened to be desire spelled backward (sort of, but really that would have been erised not eris, so maybe that really was a mistake to assume that!) Hey that almost makes sense.
true, code name desire was pegged for VZ I believe.. turned out to be the eris or so we thought... but not sure what to make of incredible then. Why would 2 similar devices be lining up for VZ? I'm doubting that. Lets see what Nash, Ruben and some of the other more experienced folks have to say...

Here's what I have to say... I want THAT phone. Officially the sexiest phone, by far, that I've seen. The Incredible looks like a toy compared to that thing. It may just be renders, but it looks amazing and I bet that's what the phone looks like.

Now...here is a thought guys. Remember how the pictures of the Bravo looked that were leaked? The actual pictures with the little serial number on them? Well, that was the pre-production look of the phone. It is VERY possible that the pictures of the Incredible that we've seen were just that, pre-production hardware. Why else would this guy be able to buy one? Ya know? Think about it. Do we honestly think he was able to buy the phone that is going to be released? Well...possibly, but highly doubtful. My guess is that he bought a test phone and it's very possible that the Incredible will look nothing like what we've seen. By the time it comes to market it could look COMPLETELY different and totally sexy. Maybe not, but that's my theory for now. If the new pictures of the "Desire" which is obviously the Bravo, look THAT MUCH sexier than the pictures of the Bravo that we've seen, then how much more sexy could the Incredible look by the time it comes out in stores? Just something to think about.

Regardless though, that picture of the "Desire" is honestly the best looking phone I've ever seen. Hands down. End of story.
as much as I would love to jump ship to verizon if this bad boy goes to att i'm afraid they will be keeping my business...especially since it would mean i could upgrade now instead of waiting till april :)
Nash you have a point, this COULD be a refined model of the Incredible. One thing that causes me to maybe doubt that is the charger on this "Desire" appears to be on the bottom. And we saw in the Incredible's leaked video that the charger was in the side. BUT if the Incredible is the Desire and they changed the back that much, the location of the charger may also have changed. Who knows. I am in agreement with most people though, the Desire is much more appealing than the Incredible at the moment.
I hope we just get this phone. That's all I can say. I just lost my life's work for school and this would definitely make my year a little better.
Tick, tock, tick, tock......tick............tock............................tick..................................tock

Waiting for news is like watching paint dry.
Tick, tock, tick, tock......tick............tock............................tick..................................tock

Waiting for news is like watching paint dry.

I know......my wife is ready to kill me!!! She just said I hope you buy a phone soon. I wish someone would get some insider info out there before the press conference tomorrow.
I have this strange feeling we're going to be disappointed and nothing is going to be announced.

I hope I'm wrong.
I have this strange feeling we're going to be disappointed and nothing is going to be announced.

I hope I'm wrong.

i also feel that way. I think HTC want to focus on the european market tomorrow in barcelona, announcing the HTC Desire and co which are destined for Europe, and maybe leave the announcement of the Incredible to a later date since it's US bound
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