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Official* iPad Thread

That's how I felt, feel and will continue to feel about Apple products in general.

So you aren't actually analyzing the products at all, but write them off because they have an apple logo on the front. You realize you're every bit as bad as the fan boys who will buy anything because of that logo?
who cares. what do nexus one owners think about camembert cheese? what do nexus one owners think about global warming? polar icecapz? who cares.

Right...why would people who saw Avatar care about Book of Eli.
Why would a Colts fan care about New England Patriot news.

Why would the buyers of the latest greatest portable media/communications device care about the latest announcement from the current leader of that market.

I bet your the only guy who shops on Amazon and gets the "users who bought this also bought nothing else" recommendations.
So you aren't actually analyzing the products at all, but write them off because they have an apple logo on the front. You realize you're every bit as bad as the fan boys who will buy anything because of that logo?

LOL, analyze? I get to configure and troubleshoot their products on a regular basis. My opinion is from experience. They usually bring very little to table when the smoke settles, except hype.
Seriously what a waste.... for that price it should have 3ghz 250gig hard drive etc. Who in their right mind would buy this? No usb? And who seriously would think this is better than a netbook? Look at the specs and price difference alone! The 299 netbook vs 1k iTampon comparision should be enough. But for the fanboys, its not. That just proves you fanboys is off your rocker. Anyone who thinks this multi-tasking challenged, archaic slow ass processor, memory-limited , over sized iTouch is better thana netbook despite pure FACT, then here, I'll invent the iCar, stamp an apple logo on it, and sell it for 40k usd, despite the fact you can't turn the wheel and accelerate at the same time, it only has a 1 gallon gas tank, a 5.2hp engine, and call it revolutionary. But hey, ill give it rounded edges and pinch to brake, so its all good. But you fanboys will swear up and down its the best car on the market, even when its compared to mustangs and cameros, and you'll buy it anyway, bc your steve jobs sheep. Have a nice day.
Seems more like a bigger version of an ipod touch than the "revolutionary" device Jobs claimed it to be though it is less expensive than I would have thought.
@milrtime83: revolutionary my eyes! looks like an iphone on STEROID!!
NO multitasking? what've apple against MT? even worse than an iphone.
Save your money! a laptop is still your answer.
@milrtime83: revolutionary my eyes! looks like an iphone on STEROID!!
NO multitasking? what've apple against MT? even worse than an iphone.
Save your money! a laptop is still your answer.
Hey you need to stop bullying people....;)
To make matters worse, steve jobs actually had the nerve to slam netbooks when netbooks run circles around this thing for more than half the price...
Why are we starting an iPAD thread in the Nexus forum, when there is one in the Lounge?

But while this thread is here, my penny's worth is....General fail, not a game-changer, can't multi-task.....so why would somebody want this over a cheaper Netbook?!?

No expandable memory.....

Looks great though & all the Apple fans will buy one. Not sure about the general public though.
I see it as a much better replacement to a laptop than a netbook. Yes, not that much memory. But i think it is designed for people who are always on the move between classes, work, etc. Not for having all of your data on it.
@Solitary; man! are you kidding me, a replacement for a laptop? find me a laptop without multitasking and all the functionality. It's a device going backward as a computer.The iphone does more.
You're indeed "solitary" no pun intented.
BTW, tell me if you've an iphone(which I am sure you have) and a mac, what is this device for? Buy it to hang over your neck like a BIG clock to show it off.
LOL, analyze? I get to configure and troubleshoot their products on a regular basis. My opinion is from experience. They usually bring very little to table when the smoke settles, except hype.

I have to disagree, you would probably be using a Moto Razr if Apple never introduced the iphone, iphone forced companies to compete or be left in the dust. Some chose to compete, some chose too sue (cough Nokia).
It's alright, I guess. Not sure if I'll get one for my wife. The biggest drawback for me is that you can't use it as a regular computer to do real work on.

As far as I can see, it is just a larger iTouch, with a few (nice) added features.

It seems to me that their target market is to be the 'best-in-show" for the Kindle market. This could be their downfall, though: If you go to Amazon and search on popular recent (like this week) novel releases, there are a bazillion flamers crying about how the publishers aren't releasing the Kindle versions until after the hard-back novels have had a period of time to sell.

There's a *LOT* of disgruntled Kindle owners out there who feel gypped by Amazon/Book Publishers.

Now, let's see ... What is one of Amazon's primary businesses? Books. Who do you think will have more weight with publishers when it is time to negotiate book releases in electronic format? Amazon or Apple?

Also, I sure hope that Apple does the conversion from the publisher to iBook format. I certainly wouldn't expect the publishers to do the conversion. Why would they want to support ANOTHER electronic format?

Just my $0.02
IPad and android are totally different in 2 distinct aspects. Android acts as Open Source Handset standard while as IPad acts as an eBook reader, lite version netbook, and what-so-ever Apple claims for...

For IPad, I don't think that it's a revolutionary idea because the first tablet PC has released for decades. The attractions on IPad is just because of its shiny outlook and the related Internet supports from Apple, inherited from IPhone and IPod.

I doubt if the core of IPad is still not Open Source and upgradable. If so, it is not really nice for ones who like OpenSource upgradable devices.

I still like Android for it's Open Source and its high flexibility. If Google had any plan to make a "tablet-PC like" Android, it should had made "the open source version" IPad. That's I believe.
I think they picked the lamest name one could possibly think of. Other than that I don't care enough to actually know anything about it. I'd never buy one, even if I loved Apple and had twenty iPhones. Also I think the iAnything is getting kinda old. Can you even install OSX programs on it? Or is it just a glorified, half as useful iPhone? If so I'd rather buy an HP tablet. And I freaking despise HP products.
I think they might have just tied their own noose with this one. There are/will be better products in the coming months. All they really have done is mess up the App Store with different screen sizes.

I know they say the old apps will work on it, but they have to be scaled up or are only visible in a smaller size. Eventually people will get sick of dealing with that and want apps especially for it.

That was what was keeping your phone afloat!!!!!!!! Now app designers don't have to decide between apple's harder programing language or androids multiple devices. Apple made the decision for them.
Apple fans I've talked to are not impressed. All two of them...

Tablets in general I think are a bit of a fail. When I see them I imagine plumbers and car repair people using them to plug into the boiler system/engine to see where a fault is. I see a lady in her 50s commuting on the train with one, using it for newspapers and perhaps a bit of work. Might be pretty cool for toddlers to play with what with the big touch screen.

They seem very impressed with their 1Ghz processor, but I'm sure that somewhere, kinda recently maybe, some phone called the.... no, I've lost it.... but there was this phone that's super-dooper-awesome that's just been released with a 1Ghz processor. It's on the tip of my tongue.... ;)
Ill let you know when I remember the name of the super-dooper phone.

Apple fans I've talked to are not impressed. All two of them...

Tablets in general I think are a bit of a fail. When I see them I imagine plumbers and car repair people using them to plug into the boiler system/engine to see where a fault is. I see a lady in her 50s commuting on the train with one, using it for newspapers and perhaps a bit of work. Might be pretty cool for toddlers to play with what with the big touch screen.

They seem very impressed with their 1Ghz processor, but I'm sure that somewhere, kinda recently maybe, some phone called the.... no, I've lost it.... but there was this phone that's super-dooper-awesome that's just been released with a 1Ghz processor. It's on the tip of my tongue.... ;)
more variety of kool-aid. great, 1 more reason to have idiots spend real $$ on advertisement. hah, Steve OWNS you. lets hear it from all the "i have a mac book, iphone, itouch" idiots. yeah you paid more! cool! you fit in now...... yay.

i hate i mean HATE CRapple with a passion.

-its ugly
-inferior specs
-has Steve "i own your wallet" holding it
-youre buying a $4-800 e-reader? baffoon
-How about that Air? huge success?
-A ton of cute neat garbage accessories.
-Apple owns us because of idiots that dont know better. theyre everywhere! cool iPhone. last time i checked it was only usable jailbroken and still after that, its still an iPhone.

to me, its more garbage that "seals" apples legacy of duping people in buying "superior" products.

bahhhhhhhhhhhhhh you iSheep that are waiting in line for this, bahhhhhhhhhh
I could see my parents using one because all they know how to do is check email and browse the web. I think the Ipad would be easier for them to use but why pay $499 when a netbook is cheaper and can do more if they care to learn.
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