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*** Official Motorola Droid X Pre-Release Thread***

I went into a verizon corporate store today and was also told that the phone's wouldn't be available until the 17th. They said I could set up an appointment to come in on Thursday the 15th to preorder the phone, but they weren't on sale until the 17th. I questioned them a few times about if they were sure because online it says available the 15th and even the live announcement said the 15th. The guy said the 17th. I'm so annoyed.
I went into a verizon corporate store today and was also told that the phone's wouldn't be available until the 17th. They said I could set up an appointment to come in on Thursday the 15th to preorder the phone, but they weren't on sale until the 15th. I questioned them a few times about if they were sure because online it says available the 15th and even the live announcement said the 15th. The guy said the 17th. I'm so annoyed.

This is the second time someone is mentioning this in these forums now. Must be that they're already giving the first batch they're getting to all thise people who they took names from and their new shipment must be coming in on the 17th. That's what i would assume...
This is the second time someone is mentioning this in these forums now. Must be that they're already giving the first batch they're getting to all thise people who they took names from and their new shipment must be coming in on the 17th. That's what i would assume...

Or the people at Verizon are idiots, I bet that is the case. :D
I'm betting Verizon reps are just completely unhelpful. One other guy heard us and walked over when I stepped away and said they're available on the 15th and the guy still said "No, that's just preorders". He was just so adament about it and his attitude irritated me. I'm still going in on the 15th but I will be making sure that guy is not helping me.
I'm betting Verizon reps are just completely unhelpful. One other guy heard us and walked over when I stepped away and said they're available on the 15th and the guy still said "No, that's just preorders". He was just so adament about it and his attitude irritated me. I'm still going in on the 15th but I will be making sure that guy is not helping me.

Yeah I don't blame you, I don't think they would start selling them on a Saturday, that just seems odd to me. I would show up or try a different one if you have one around you. But yeah at all cost don't let him help you. If you do happen to get one on the 15th there I would definitely show it to the guy that said the 17th. :)
Went to a Verizon corporate store today and they were the most helpful cell phone people I've ever dealt with. They identified a discount we can get, offered to waive my wife and I's activation fees and put us on the list for the 15th to get the Droid X. Amazing experience.

So that experience a few posts up isn't typical. Also they were very well aware that it comes out on the 15th. He said right now they are opening at 7 AM, but may in fact do a midnight opening the night before.

:Fingers crossed: for the night before!!
And I'm left feeling bitter-sweet...

Sweet because I finally got a chance to wrap my hands around this new phone and I feel that it totally lived up to all the hype. This will be my first android phone coming from ifails since their initital release. #1 thing I love the size of the X. I have large hands and had no problem "1 handing" the phone. The screen is FANTASTIC!!! The resolution was great (even compared to my wifes iphone 4). I saw no lag switching from any home screen to another. Internet speeds were fantastic (much faster than my current iPhone 3gs). I could go on and on. I will definetly be waiting at my store for the doors to open to hopefully snatch one up before they're all gone.

Which leads me to the bitter part. The CSR told me that they only recieved a total of 20 X's for launch day and their phones are blowing up at the moment from people calling in inquiring about the X. It looks as though if I want to guarantee myself a phone on Thursday I'm going to need to either get to the store Wednesday evening and sit on the sidewalk like a bum all freakin night or get there at the butt crack of dawn Thursday morning. Either way, I know I'm going to be worthless at work Thursday. LOL

A few things to note:

After mentioning I was getting the X after my incredible was backordered to somewhere between next month and the end of time the guy said that verizon is discontinuing the incredible. I had to take that with a grain of salt though because he also said that the new X had the best and highest definiton screen on the market today. Even better than the new iphone. Which we all know isn't true.

Anyways, I just thought I'd share my experience. Thursday morning can't get here quick enough. :(
Normally, I really like the customer service in the store I went to. There is actually another store closer but I've always had awful experiences with super unhelpful employees so I drive a little farther up to go to this store. Today was the first time I've dealt with someone like that at this store, so I'll be going back there on the 15th and hopefully will find my normal helpful staff. Just wish they hadn't chosen this time to be difficult because I really want that Droid X! :)
I went into a verizon corporate store today and was also told that the phone's wouldn't be available until the 17th. They said I could set up an appointment to come in on Thursday the 15th to preorder the phone, but they weren't on sale until the 17th. I questioned them a few times about if they were sure because online it says available the 15th and even the live announcement said the 15th. The guy said the 17th. I'm so annoyed.

Not from NJ are you?
Perhaps they are doing a staged launch with some stores based on supply, etc. I find it strange that some have mentioned pre-orders because there is no offical pre-order from Verizon and in fact, Verizon has been quite adamant that thier stores can't offically take "wait lists".

I just picked up my Incredible today and am exploring the features. I have a full 60days to make up my mind, so will problably wait a week or two before making a decsion on the X.
So I don't need to be there launch day, but probably will anyway.
i had a question....why is everyone going in to their stores on thursday when you can just order online at 12:01am? granted if they sell out and all that....but online you pay 100 less up front....i also have a 100 dollar credit and the 2 year pricing will be 100 bucks...that beats 200. i suppose ill have to wait a day or 2 extra. but ive been waiting since april for an HTC Incredible.
i had a question....why is everyone going in to their stores on thursday when you can just order online at 12:01am? granted if they sell out and all that....but online you pay 100 less up front....i also have a 100 dollar credit and the 2 year pricing will be 100 bucks...that beats 200. i suppose ill have to wait a day or 2 extra. but ive been waiting since april for an HTC Incredible.

Why would you ask a silly question like that?
i had a question....why is everyone going in to their stores on thursday when you can just order online at 12:01am? granted if they sell out and all that....but online you pay 100 less up front....i also have a 100 dollar credit and the 2 year pricing will be 100 bucks...that beats 200. i suppose ill have to wait a day or 2 extra. but ive been waiting since april for an HTC Incredible.
I'm losing sleep as it is, do you want my hair to start falling out as well?:eek:
Plus it's kind of fun acting like one of those fan boys for a few hours... Stores here in Tucson are opening at 8:00 a.m (two hours early) and most are getting 35 to 40, so it should work out. I'm getting my 3 for sho.
While it's unlikely that initial Droid X sales will match the iPhone 4's staggering success--specifically, 1.7 million units sold within three days of launch--early signs show strong consumer interest in Motorola's new phone. Best Buy has already started and stopped two rounds of pre-orders for the Droid X, and the retailer won't guarantee that customers who preordered will get their phone on launch day. Verizon Wireless has said it expects inventory shortages as well.

Droid X Debuts This Week; Expect Instant Hit - PCWorld
Full retail

For anyone in the know.... I just stopped by a corporate store about 30 miles north of Milwaukee, in WI. He showed me a dummy phone and also some of the accessories. HOWEVER when I asked how much for full retail he said " this phone will not be sold for full retail at all!!!"
Someone tell this is not the case. That does not make any sense. He went on to say "that it is because people buy them and then sell them, and they will (VZW) maybe sell it for full retail in 3 or 4 months".

Lies. They cant NOT sell you one at full retail- if you wanna pay $600 for one, thats your right as a customer..

I am a new Verizon customer that will be getting a Droid X (hopefully) on the 15th. I only want to sign a 1-year contract. So here are my questions:

1) Do we know the official price of the X with a 1-year contract - and does it still involve a mail-in rebate?

2) If I sign a 1-year contract, at what point will I be eligible for the full upgrade price for a new phone next year? After 10 months? 12 months?


1. $370-$100 MIR = $270

2. 10 months

This is the second time someone is mentioning this in these forums now. Must be that they're already giving the first batch they're getting to all thise people who they took names from and their new shipment must be coming in on the 17th. That's what i would assume...

Might be a district/region thing, if one area isn't getting them on time..
i had a question....why is everyone going in to their stores on thursday when you can just order online at 12:01am? granted if they sell out and all that....but online you pay 100 less up front....i also have a 100 dollar credit and the 2 year pricing will be 100 bucks...that beats 200. i suppose ill have to wait a day or 2 extra. but ive been waiting since april for an HTC Incredible.

You answered your own question: "granted if they sell out and all that" and "ive been waiting since april for an HTC Incredible."

A Droid X in the hand is worth two supposedly on the way... ;)
KRON 4 news in the Bay Area did a tech segment on Swype and they demonstrated it on a Droid X. They said, in their testing, it was extremely accurate and a faster way to type. Awesome. :D
I'm betting Verizon reps are just completely unhelpful. One other guy heard us and walked over when I stepped away and said they're available on the 15th and the guy still said "No, that's just preorders". He was just so adament about it and his attitude irritated me. I'm still going in on the 15th but I will be making sure that guy is not helping me.

You should actually make him get you the X and ring you up on the 15th.:D
I would love to get that reps name. If you don't know it, you should go back to the store and get it. Then ask to speak with the store manager, then ask for a corporate email so that you can file an official complaint. Seriously, who do people who hate working with people every apply to a place like Verizon.

Actually I would let it slide, She might be in a bad mood from a prior customer or having a bad day, stuff happens. But you should not try to be hostile with customers :X
Actually I would let it slide, She might be in a bad mood from a prior customer or having a bad day, stuff happens. But you should not try to be hostile with customers :X

Just because someone is in a bad mood from a previous customer does not give them the right to treat someone else like crap. Now I know everyone has a bad day, but still they are getting paid to do this job. I wouldn't want to get someone fired for having a bad day either though.
anyone jumping shit from another carrier for the x? Im leaving att and 2 iphones for the X on the 15th,

What are the chances Verizon will waive activation if im buying TWO x's on launch day as a new sub? im already shelling out 400 beans
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