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*** Official Motorola Droid X Pre-Release Thread***

on a somber note, I just got off the phone with my "insider" and employees for Verizon Wireless (or those of us that are on Employee accounts) are not eligible for the early upgrade (contract ending in 2010). I do however have an upgrade available on 7/29 so it looks like I'll be waiting a few weeks longer to get mine. Its cool. I will now actually have time to play with the phone instore to see how I like it before I buy it. Who knows, I might just wait out the Droid 2! LOL ;)
Ask them to move your upgrade date forward. They moved mine up for me.
Employees can upgrade every ten months because they are automatically put on 1 year contracts (but they get 2 year contract pricing and don't have to mess with rebates :D) so I HIGHLY doubt they would move an upgrade date for me. Besides I'm just not the type of person that would ask someone to go against company policy, or in anyway put themselves out there to get in trouble. Especially since it's only two weeks.
Employees can upgrade every ten months because they are automatically put on 1 year contracts (but they get 2 year contract pricing and don't have to mess with rebates :D) so I HIGHLY doubt they would move an upgrade date for me. Besides I'm just not the type of person that would ask someone to go against company policy, or in anyway put themselves out there to get in trouble. Especially since it's only two weeks.

Good point, man that sounds like a sweet deal though. What does your "insider" do again?
Just called one of my local stores and was told they don't even know if they are opening early next Thursday yet but she took my cell # and is going to call me when she finds out.
GREAT NEWS Just for you guys wondering i live in California and the lady on verzion i talked to said," We start our shifts at 6 o clock in the morning"... almost 2 hours before the stores open. She also said that i could call 6 in the morining on the 15th and order my phone and get the online discount :D. Soooo i think i am going to pull a all night or something...

She also said that i could Try your luck with the Phone operators that cover Hawaii *until 2pm * i could POSSIBLY sneak in my call and order through them... i am not sure.... I willing ti wake up EXTRA early to call them at 6 in the morning :D Hope this is useful to you guys :D
but still, that would have you receiving the phone the next day, after the official release. When you could just wake up early and get it the day of.
but still, that would have you receiving the phone the next day, after the official release. When you could just wake up early and get it the day of.

well see the problem is i guess i have to notify a Store to see if it could be shipped and held there... i guess i have to talk to another CSR :/
GREAT NEWS Just for you guys wondering i live in California and the lady on verzion i talked to said," We start our shifts at 6 o clock in the morning"... almost 2 hours before the stores open. She also said that i could call 6 in the morining on the 15th and order my phone and get the online discount :D. Soooo i think i am going to pull a all night or something...

She also said that i could Try your luck with the Phone operators that cover Hawaii *until 2pm * i could POSSIBLY sneak in my call and order through them... i am not sure.... I willing ti wake up EXTRA early to call them at 6 in the morning :D Hope this is useful to you guys :D

I actually live in Hawaii! I just got off the phone with my local Verizon store, and the lady said they usually do some type of early open on days like this, and that I should call back around the 14th or so to see if they have any updated info. So far they don't have any of the vehicle mounts or cradles in stock though, just the silly cases and such. Who knows, maybe they will get them in the next week.

It kind of sucks that those folks on the East Coast are going to have their phones like 8 hours or so before me.. oh well, c'est la vie I guess.
I have asked this before, but was wondering if you could change the "Red" theme on the droid x, to the "Green" theme on the HTC incredible. These pictures might help


I actually live in Hawaii! I just got off the phone with my local Verizon store, and the lady said they usually do some type of early open on days like this, and that I should call back around the 14th or so to see if they have any updated info. So far they don't have any of the vehicle mounts or cradles in stock though, just the silly cases and such. Who knows, maybe they will get them in the next week.

It kind of sucks that those folks on the East Coast are going to have their phones like 8 hours or so before me.. oh well, c'est la vie I guess.

The hard price to pay to live in paradise :) That and a high cost of living lol
I have asked this before, but was wondering if you could change the "Red" theme on the droid x, to the "Green" theme on the HTC incredible. These pictures might help



I don't know about stock, but what if you used handcent or chomps? I would think that would let you change it, just a thought. I never even noticed that before.
Waiting for ATT executive response team to get back to me so we can discuss my refusal to pay a ETF after 19 months of NON service, and 2 iphones that I cannot use..

Cant wait to get my hands on the X on the 16th so I can actually make telephone calls.
Waiting for ATT executive response team to get back to me so we can discuss my refusal to pay a ETF after 19 months of NON service, and 2 iphones that I cannot use..

Cant wait to get my hands on the X on the 16th so I can actually make telephone calls.

Why the heck did you have 19 months of non-service?
Why the heck did you have 19 months of non-service?

Well, stupidity, we Never had service at or within a 4-5 miles radius of my house, When I signed up with ATT we were promised service and were told a new tower is going up SOON, not to worry.. call after call it was determined that a new tower WAS put up, about 13 miles away at the bottom of a mountain, this turned into "there are no plans for any more towers in the foreseeable future"

I have called tech support many many times and eventually got a rep from the "executive response team, and they offered a 3 month credit and 5,000 extra rollover minutes that we would never be able to use. (curently at almost 12k rollover minutes with more expiring every month.

OR the choice to cancel, I told the rep that we would take the credit and look into other options and see how it goes, Well nothing has improved and I'm STILL paying $134 a month for little to no ways to use the phones, My wife is a stay at home mom and has had zero minute useage for months and Im only able to use my phone very limited while at work from the hours of 8am-5pm m-f.)

and there ya have it,. It will be amazing to be able to pick up my droid x and actually make a TELEPHONE call on it!
Ask them to move your upgrade date forward. They moved mine up for me.

Wow, I didn't even know that was an option. I'm pretty sure I'm eligible for an annual upgrade on 7/21 so I will need to call them and find out if they will move mine up.

Does anyone know if Verizon still does the annual upgrade (my family plan is at least $150 a month) for the primary line, and will I be able to get the Droid X for $200 with it or will it be more expensive? Thanks.
I went to the Verizon store near my work today (Alpharetta GA northpoint parkway store) and it is one of the larger stores in the area.

They still don't have a dummy phone or a live phone to play with, but the guy said he expects to get about 130 droid X shipped for release day next Thursday.

He seemed to think if i got there by lunch time they should not run out of them and offered to call me and see if i wanted to put one aside.
Has anybody here ever had any luck getting an ANNUAL upgrade (ie I signed a 2 year deal but they allow the main number to be upgraded once a year) date moved? My annual upgrade date is the 24th, 9 days after the launch. I don't want to get stuck out in the cold if for some reason they wind up with a shortage like the Inc.

I've been to an official VZW store, a Go Wireless reseller and called numerous times and it doesn't sound like I'm going to have much luck with this. I'm going to attempt to call and maybe get a manager on the phone tomorrow and explain I've been a customer for nearly a decade and I'm only asking for a move of 9 days and see if they'll show some pity for me.
Has anybody here ever had any luck getting an ANNUAL upgrade (ie I signed a 2 year deal but they allow the main number to be upgraded once a year) date moved? My annual upgrade date is the 24th, 9 days after the launch. I don't want to get stuck out in the cold if for some reason they wind up with a shortage like the Inc.

I've been to an official VZW store, a Go Wireless reseller and called numerous times and it doesn't sound like I'm going to have much luck with this. I'm going to attempt to call and maybe get a manager on the phone tomorrow and explain I've been a customer for nearly a decade and I'm only asking for a move of 9 days and see if they'll show some pity for me.

I just said this in another thread to someone asking a similar question. I think it would go for you too:

"You can try what I and others have done. Call up Verizon CS line, and mention about the upgrade promo and that you want to buy the Droid X next week.

Say that you asked your local VZW corporate store manager if they could bump up your upgrade date to now, but that he said you'd have to call the CS line to ask about that.

That way, the CS person won't say to go ask a local manager lol.

Just mention how your contract end date is very close to being in 2010 to be eligible, and ask if they can possibly move up your upgrade date instead to now or something so you can get the upgrade price when you re-sign for 2 more years

Worked for me on the first try with a female CS rep. She took about 10 min "asking" her manager what they can do for me, and that was it! I checked my account online while I was still talking to her and the date was showing as that day now instead of September. I was so happy lol.
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