I would too w/o even having a second thought about it.
Listen, I'm not an Audi fanboy.. I buy what I want that makes sense at the time I'm buying it. I drove an Audi S5 when they first came out and for the price tag I about laughed out loud. Of course. I still kept it for an entire day to make sure.

The interior was small (I'm about 285lbs and very broad in the legs and shoulders) and I felt crammed. The door sill came in too far and the center console was too large. There was no dead foot pedal (or very little) and the gas & brake pedal were too close. Actually, it wasn't so much as they were too close as the gas pedal was too close to the transmission tunnel. I wear a size 15 shoe and on more than one occasion I crammed the brake when I was trying to floor the gas. They tried to rip off the iDrive from BMW (which is a plague on humanity IMO) and the knob is WAY to the rear of the arm rest. It should be just behind or beside the shifter knob for ease of use but they put it clear at the rear just ahead of the center console cover/door and I had to practically turn sideways in my seat to get to it. Not good placement for a control input they're trying to make do most of the functions. The engine also felt down on power which is NOT something you want to come away with in something with the price tag of an S6. The materials that were there were excellent and the A5/S5 is one of the sexiest cars on the road today. In fact, the guy who designed it also penned Ferraris and of all of them said this was his favorite design. I agree with him. The subtlety of the lines and the under spoken secksiness is hard to deny. Just a beautiful car. If they made an RS5 with some sort of forced induction V10 that would be a truly amazing car.
For those comparing Audi to a BMW 3 series those are also amazing cars but you're comparing apples to oranges. If you live in Cali or FL or something then this isn't a concern but I live in Colorado so for me AWD is a must. Audi has one of the best AWD systems and it's standard. If you want to compare that to a BMW you need to look at a BMW 335xi instead of just the i and now you're much closer price-wise for an inferior AWD system. Again, if you live in sunshine year round then this doesn't matter but that's why they make so many different cars. Everyone has different needs/wants and those change as we age. I find myself looking for more refinement than I did when I was younger and all I cared about was raw power and performance.
Oh, and by the way... my current beater 2007 A4 Quattro 2.0T I bought for $18k two years ago w/only 20k miles on it. It booked for almost $30k. It was over double that new. No way in hell would I buy that same car for $43k new that people are comparing. I get good deals on cars and very rarely do I buy new because the depreciation is awful. I pay cash for all my cars/trucks/bikes too because you take it in the cornhole with loans.
I also find it comical that most people that are quick to point out how expensive new luxury vehicles are are also driving ten year old cars. How is this comparing apples to apples? I bought a very nice sedan with a full manufacturer's warranty that was practically new and loaded for half of retail. I put an APR chip in it and a few other basic mods and it's quite fun to drive. I don't go looking for races because I don't care about that anymore. I get near 30mpg on the highway and it's a fun car to drive and completely reliable as it sits. If I did I would have sold my big single turbo Supra, my GMC Typhoon or my GSX-R1000. As I said earlier, you get to a point when all that gets old and you want more than just raw power and performance.
I guess I just don't like the blanket fanboy statements people make to try to feel better about their value ride.
If you have a vehicle you love and enjoy driving it then just be happy. Don't assume that everyone who paid more money than you is envious and having remorse about their purchase though when you speed past them. Truth of the matter is that most of them don't really care. They likely have something at home in the garage faster anyway. They're driving the more comfortable car for a reason though.