haha, she was yelling at me to get off the phone as I was laying in bed. So many settings and so much to figure out
I have some questions if you all don't mind.
Is there a way to make the Gmail app sync at certain time intervals or it just does what it wants? I found where you can choose what to sync, but I don't see anywhere to change the interval it syncs at. I keep hearing the bird whistle sound everytime I get a new e-mail or what not.
I take it the stock browser is not Google Chrome. I downloaded Chrome and it looks a bit different than the stock one.
How do I change the lockscreen icons? Right now I'm using Gmail and not the stock E-Mail app so I would like to replace it with the Gmail one if possible. EDIT - Found this under the lock screen options. Sometimes when there are checkmarks for things you can still click on that item for more settings.

I love the freedom and the vast array of settings/options on Android!
Under My Files I see sdcard0 and extSdCard. I know the extSdCard is the 64GB one I put in. Is sdcard0 the 16GB internal storage? It appears so, but I just want some confirmation.
I heard some things about making wi-fi turn on when you get home and turn off when you leave. Does anyone have more information on this or does it automatically start doing it after a while?
Also heard when the alarm goes off in the morning you can say "Stop" and it will automatically turn off. Is this a setting with s voice or something or automatically enabled when the alarm goes off?
Thank you and I'll probably have much more, but I'll try digging into the forum when I get some time.