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Questions you would like answered.

For my home address I figured it synced with the address on my bill. In order for it to correctly get the work address it has to be tracking my every location via GPS and have some sort of logic put in place along with hours of the day and day of week to get that correct. Impressive for people that actually thought of and built this, but very creepy

Wow...that's seriously creepy. I have to think there's some sort of setting or app that actually compiles the information to be able to do that.
Wow...that's seriously creepy. I have to think there's some sort of setting or app that actually compiles the information to be able to do that.

There probably is some setting somewhere but I haven't dug around for it yet

That's Google Now. It show different "cards" based on your settings. LOL. You can tell it to stop doing that through Google Now's settings.

Thing I have never understood about the location finder is - is connecting to Maps to record my location (Maps is a data hog) or how else does it do it?
That's Google Now. It show different "cards" based on your settings. LOL. You can tell it to stop doing that through Google Now's settings.


Thanks, Ren. Being stuck on Gingerbread really makes me think I may be MIA from the boards for 2 weeks, rather than 1...LOL. Google Now?...Hell, they've left me with Google "doesn't care about your phone."
I checked out the Note 2 in an AT&T store today and it seems to come with multi-view. The guy was able to have a video playing in a window while having other things open. I think this is multi-view at least...
I checked out the Note 2 in an AT&T store today and it seems to come with multi-view. The guy was able to have a video playing in a window while having other things open. I think this is multi-view at least...

Nope. Pop-up video was already introduced on the SGS3.

Multi-view is the capability of using other selected apps, split screen. There are some videos posted in pre-existing threads where it shows the differences.

In fact, with multi-tasking (I don't really like the multi-view description), you can have a pop-up video, text messaging, and a browser going at the same time.
Nope. Pop-up video was already introduced on the SGS3.

Multi-view is the capability of using other selected apps, split screen. There are some videos posted in pre-existing threads where it shows the differences.

In fact, with multi-tasking (I don't really like the multi-view description), you can have a pop-up video, text messaging, and a browser going at the same time.

I see...well the rep doesn't know what he is talking about then lol. He said a Samsung rep was in the store and showed them features of it etc.
I see...well the rep doesn't know what he is talking about then lol. He said a Samsung rep was in the store and showed them features of it etc.

It's rare where I've been in a store (whatever provider it is) and the rep actually knew what they were talking about, completely.

Majority of the time, I've ended up talking circles around them and the look on their face was in wonderment if all that I was saying was actually true or if I was b.s.'ing just as much as they were.

In fact, even at the local mall that has a Samsung booth, majority of the people didn't know anything, including the guy that was "supposedly" the tech guy.
Ordering mine now from AT&T...should I go with grey or white...hmmmmmm

I'm into darker colors typically, but the white looks so clean lol. Either way it will be going in a case of some sort anyways.

Any input folks?
White!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

As clean as it looks, I am going to go with the grey I think lol. I'm a guy and like darker colors of devices and always have. I definitely considered white though. Plus the retention department that is getting me the device only shows grey being an option for them to order even though AT&T's website shows grey and white now. That's fine...makes my choice for me. :)

I'm getting the device for $174.99 and a $50 credit which basically takes care of the upgrade fee and some tax.

I was quoted this price about a week ago and was told he would call me back yesterday. The guy never called so I called in and the lady in retention was like we cannot give it to you for that price and that is the price for the original Note. I think the guy assumed the Note 2 would be the same price. Well she transferred me to a manager and they reviewed my original call this morning and another manager called back saying we will give you what you were offered. I think I got the deal of the year on this phone thanks to a guy misquoting the price he could give me. They told me yesterday the cheapest they could give it to me for was $274.99. I should have it by Wednesday since they send it two day air. :) Now to order a screen protector and case!
Can anyone with the SEIDO Surface case please take pictures to show the added height, etc. so we can get a feel for how much bulk is added? The two pictures SEIDO give don't really show much IMO.

If I missed some already posted pictures please someone point me in the right direction.

Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago when I went to Staples to get some RAM and it seemed very cheap. It turned out they had mispriced it but the manageress let me have it as priced.
I received my Note 2 tonight. UPS took forever! lol

I am very pleased and there will be a lot to get used to coming from an iPhone, but I'm very happy. Girlfriend is yelling at me to come to bed and I'm not done playing with this thing yet! hahaha
I received my Note 2 tonight. UPS took forever! lol

I am very pleased and there will be a lot to get used to coming from an iPhone, but I'm very happy. Girlfriend is yelling at me to come to bed and I'm not done playing with this thing yet! hahaha

Congrats!!! Your girl may wake up with the Note between the 2 of you.
Congrats!!! Your girl may wake up with the Note between the 2 of you.

haha, she was yelling at me to get off the phone as I was laying in bed. So many settings and so much to figure out :D

I have some questions if you all don't mind.


Is there a way to make the Gmail app sync at certain time intervals or it just does what it wants? I found where you can choose what to sync, but I don't see anywhere to change the interval it syncs at. I keep hearing the bird whistle sound everytime I get a new e-mail or what not.

I take it the stock browser is not Google Chrome. I downloaded Chrome and it looks a bit different than the stock one.

How do I change the lockscreen icons? Right now I'm using Gmail and not the stock E-Mail app so I would like to replace it with the Gmail one if possible. EDIT - Found this under the lock screen options. Sometimes when there are checkmarks for things you can still click on that item for more settings. :D I love the freedom and the vast array of settings/options on Android!

Under My Files I see sdcard0 and extSdCard. I know the extSdCard is the 64GB one I put in. Is sdcard0 the 16GB internal storage? It appears so, but I just want some confirmation.

I heard some things about making wi-fi turn on when you get home and turn off when you leave. Does anyone have more information on this or does it automatically start doing it after a while?

Also heard when the alarm goes off in the morning you can say "Stop" and it will automatically turn off. Is this a setting with s voice or something or automatically enabled when the alarm goes off?

Thank you and I'll probably have much more, but I'll try digging into the forum when I get some time.
That's Google Now. It show different "cards" based on your settings. LOL. You can tell it to stop doing that through Google Now's settings.


Awesome. Didn't know about it until I read this thread. I just turned it on. It will really come in handy on my morning commute as I have a 62 miles drive to work in LA.
Anybody miss me?

Sorry had some things come up at work and then took a vacation for our anniversary.

Looks like most questions have been answered. Sucks to see some jumping over to ATT.. you all know I am biased due to employment....and personally going through switching 6 lines over after being tired of data caps and throttles on att

Did everyone get one or still holding out? Accessories still appear to be hard to find.
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