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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

No. I tried some medication that was basically vitamins in a tablet form three times a day and after a few months I quit taking them as there was some improvement in my hearing but the noise was still there. I use music to drown it out now, always have a radio playing or the tv going to counter the intrusion.

I worked in loud noisy construction environments, for most of my life, I now preach hearing protection to anyone who will listen ...

(see what I did there ? lol)
I don't have tinnitus but I have super-human hearing. I can hear high frequencies I shouldn't be able to, so I can hear any 'digital noise' from a CRT flyback, to a golf car speed controller, to even the driver circuitry of LED bulbs. Never was able to for years pinpoint the source of my migraines until I did an experiment and replaced all my LED lights with incandescents and could finally sleep.

They say you lose that ability as you get older, but I seem to be an odd case as that ability gets stronger the older I get. I can still hear the whine of any switching power supply, such as those in the cable box, LCD TV in the bedroom, the router and modem, but the fewer devices like that in my home, and the fewer things I keep connected to the internet, the better off I am.

Heck I can even hear the sounds of vacuum tubes warming up.
Sometimes I hear voices in my head telling me what to do ... Does that count ????

I feel so stupid like this:
I accidently googled of how to download a zelda game onto my tablet, and now I get so many web links popping up, I fixed it up, the logo is cool, awesome lock screen animation though!
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I hate companies that give the impression through their website that they are an U.S. manufacturer. Then you order from them and everything says Made In China.
I hate companies that give the impression through their website that they are an U.S. manufacturer. Then you order from them and everything says Made In China.
So little is actually made from scratch in the US it is alarming. We are so dependent on other country's parts and or cheap labor, if we have to survive without, I wonder if we can gear up to make our own stuff again. And if we can, will we be able to afford the end products?
I accidently slit my finger, after in a corner, and I know I was super hungry, and Mom put down her wine glass next to the coffee maker, the only thing is the buffet, was in the way due to the flooring guy does come in and strips off the floor, So yeah ouch! It will heal up eventually.
I created a Bixby routine that silences my phone entirely and disables the AOD after sunset so it can't ding off at the worst times. I hate digital noises, preferring the more mechanical sounds of older tech.
Yet another resecrection fdr this morning off my moto edge plus, and suddenly my accessibility button is not functioning right, it will not show up on my navigation bar, the power button is way to messed up. I have to press really inwards of it..
Thunderbird email client did an update that sucks and I can't get the previous version back!
15 or 20 years using and loving TB and now disaster.
The Mozella forums are full of complaints.
I'm an old man. I am not going to live long enough to do all I want to do and now TB is stealing some of my last hours.
I am a die hard Firefox user and suddenly now Fx is doing the loading blank pages crap again .... I have to use Chrome to order pizza, guess Fx is on a pizza strike ...
Thunderbird email client did an update that sucks and I can't get the previous version back!
15 or 20 years using and loving TB and now disaster.
The Mozella forums are full of complaints.
I'm an old man. I am not going to live long enough to do all I want to do and now TB is stealing some of my last hours.
This is why I use old Kmail on Linux, given TB also doesn't like Hotmail/outlook anymore and either sits there 'connecting...' forever, saying incorrectly that I 'exceeded the maximum number of connections' or only downloads one message out of the many then calls it done.

TB and Firefox after 'Quantum' are garbage lately. I'm older too and like my software unchanged, and as I am used to it. That's why I run Linux, no unwanted updates.
Really really really really really really.... Dirty deeds news, I got pink eye from the buffers saw dust and been on medication since yesterday, good news is that I have caught it early and not spreading to my right eye, everything feels like a cuppa hot coffee on my lap, my windows comp decided to one day start up extremely slow, used to take twenty minutes to start from the black screen from the company's logo, ASUS, to the Windows ten and circles endlessly, but after running a sfc scan now, and its doing the self online scan right about now, it is pretty great typing up my wps edition on my comp. Really really really frustrated since oh yeah I forgot where the button lay out for my tablet lately, and it was not until this second I was able to finally log on here....

Really really really frustration all around lately!!!!YAY good to see you folks though.
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