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Rant Thread - What really grinds your gears?

OMG...yes. Was at the gym this morning when I posted that and this guy was on the same machine for over an hour. Completely ridiculous.
I was there about a few weeks ago and a lot of them just camped out, everyone was running in circles though, Also what does it give to attention when I was not looking at someone, but an older woman yelled "hey" to me and give me a dirty look.... I was like "what the heck lady, I did not do anything to her...." Seriously people sometimes..
I called the picture adjuster dude today. He said he didn't get the Geico quote because I hadn't clicked a date and time I was bringing in my truck for repair. He said he would request the estimate from Geico and order my bumper. He went on to say that he would call me when the bumper was in and when they had the window to do my replacement. At least he was sympathetic of my lack of desire for a rental. I'm relieved but what a hosed system Geico has for repairs.
An update on my truck repair.... The dude from the repair shop called yesterday saying he had my parts in. With rain forecasted for today and the next few days he thought it might be the perfect window to do my repair. I dropped off the truck today and hope to have it back before the end of the week. I'm very happy with the way the local shop worked with me on getting the repair done without a rental (though free) and finding a window that would work for me. I'm still perplexed by the rental process for a damaged but drivable vehicle. It's been exactly a month that I'd have been driving their rental for no good reason.

My rant is Geico has been blowing up my email for the last two weeks asking for feedback on my recent claim. I can't fill out their form until I know how the claim process turns out.
That my mother only thinks of soybeans and corn for illinois farmers, I think there is a lot more then that in illinois, like Avacodos, fruits and veggables around here, if they can pull down mexician food restraunts down here, why couldn't there be Hispanic Farmers???
That my mother only thinks of soybeans and corn for illinois farmers, I think there is a lot more then that in illinois, like Avacodos, fruits and veggables around here, if they can pull down mexician food restraunts down here, why couldn't there be Hispanic Farmers???

Have you ever been to the Illinois State Fair? You can learn a lot about agriculture in Illinois at the fair. A couple of things I learned was:

Illinois produces more soybeans that any other state

Illinois is the #2 corn producing state

Since I drive to Tennessee I see Illinois from the top to the southern tip and I have seen wheat, oats, sunflower and a variety apple and peach trees. I've even seen a few small tobacco farms.

Avocados are only grown in the far southern states like Florida
Another update on my truck repair. The body shop called saying my truck was ready. When I went to pick it up I found that they had put the wrong bumper on. The main dude apologized but said he couldn't get the exact same bumper I had. The one he installed has cut outs for fog lights and my truck didn't come with fog lights. He compensated me for the problem so that I can buy fog lights which I always wished it had. Not all bad. He said he could get the same bumper I had but had no idea when. It is backordered everywhere without any restock time estimate. I'm good with the work they did and I get fog lights.
Oh google send me into a giant wormhole of saying "Actions required" a few million times flickering underneath my gmail account, and Itried to email them and show them a screen shot and all they all responed to a bore like "If your account is secured then happy trails.." I did secure my account everything, change the password just yesterday, and if that was not enough for me to much on, my talkback on accident really annoyed me a few seconds ago.. so I had to FDR it since I could not do anything else..
Have you ever been to the Illinois State Fair? You can learn a lot about agriculture in Illinois at the fair. A couple of things I learned was:

Illinois produces more soybeans that any other state

Illinois is the #2 corn producing state

Since I drive to Tennessee I see Illinois from the top to the southern tip and I have seen wheat, oats, sunflower and a variety apple and peach trees. I've even seen a few small tobacco farms.

Avocados are only grown in the far southern states like Florida
I think I have been down there a few times before though, i should really educated myself more...
Oh google send me into a giant wormhole of saying "Actions required" a few million times flickering underneath my gmail account, and Itried to email them and show them a screen shot and all they all responed to a bore like "If your account is secured then happy trails.." I did secure my account everything, change the password just yesterday, and if that was not enough for me to much on, my talkback on accident really annoyed me a few seconds ago.. so I had to FDR it since I could not do anything else..
Spend this entire morning up until about noon getting the cell my way..

Kids if you want to sharpen your thoughts on it, then yea...disable talkback!!!
I mowed lawns today while it was in the low thirties. It wasn't fun but they needed mowed. Two stroke engines are near impossible to start when it's that cold. Both the string trimmer and my backpack blower required many pulls before they started. Not only were they hard to start, they were hard to start each lawn I mowed. Grass should not be growing when it's just above freezing.
Speaking of lawn equipment, my go-to mower has an electronic motor that changes heights and allows easy access to clean the deck and sharpen the blades. The mower is only three years old and its replacement runs over seventeen grand. The lift motor has quit and as nearly as I can tell it is done. There is power to the motor and supplementing that power with another source produces the same effect.... non functional. Replacement motor and crank assembly is $800 plus labor. I had anticipated that such a high dollar mower would come equipped with quality parts that lasted longer than three years.
I'm gonna hazard a guess that it is a rider and not a walk behind mower ?
I have only one walk behind and it has a sulky attached to it. I quit walking lawns years ago. The mower I'm ranting about is a Grasshopper 727T EFI.
I've never heard of Grasshopper mowers before. Isn't Toro or John Deere' known for having the best mowers?
Both Toro and Deere have good commercial mowers. Toro likely has the better mowers of the two. I have a 36" Toro Grandstand that I've used for years now. It's a great reliable mower.

Grasshopper mowers are made less than an hour from my home. They are very well built and highly productive. My city has a fleet of them in use. They use the mid-mount models where mine has the out front deck. The large mowing companies use either Grasshopper or Walker mowers around here.
Mowers tend to be somewhat regionally popular. There are other great commercial mowers but they are harder to shop for and parts are not stocked here. Getting timely repairs is paramount.
As I was leaving to run to the market today, I find that the front drivers side fender of my wife's jeep is not only scratched but dented. Obviously someone managed to hit the car in a parking lot yesterday.
My wife ran some errands yesterday and it likely happened somewhere she was parked. No note was left, they just went on their merry way. I'm only guessing it happened yesterday because I don't know how it wasn't noticed sooner if it happened Monday.
My wife always parked as close as she could to the grocery store.

I would always park far away from the grocery store so my car wouldn't get dinged up from car doors.

Then one day my wife walked out to her car at the grocery store and her taillight was smashed in.

Now the wife parks far away from the grocery store.
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I have no idea when our car was dented. It is major enough it will require a claim on my insurance. Though the Jeep is three years old, it is my wife's baby and this is the first ding / dent it's received.
She is very upset. I'm upset that there was no attempt to acknowledge that someone hit her car.
It's not like they didn't know it happened and they most likely had damage as well.
Jeep dent.jpg
She is having medical tests run so this week she's been to a couple of medical facilities, Hobby Lobby, grocery store, Starbucks, etc. Typical wifey travels :) I suspect the grocery store but who knows. I appreciate the thought.
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