anyone else having problems with profiles? my settings force closes when I attempt to change settings for default profile. Thanks in advance
I'm having the exact same problem. I posted about it a page or two back, and posted the pastebin for the log. I hope. I'm pretty sure I'm doing that rightly, but I'm very end-usery, so I might have goofed it up.
I can run it again and post another log later this morning, if that will help.
Other things I've noticed, since our beloved benefactor asked:
When I pull down the notifications tray, I can swipe away individual notices, until I get down to only one remaining. If there's only one notice in the tray, it won't swipe away. Doesn't seem to matter what the notice is.
It bogs down pretty badly when there's more than a couple things going on. I've got cpu set to 460 min and whatever was at the top of the list for max, using smartass2, and it's bedrock-stable. I followed a couple of settings suggestions from this thread - limited processes to 4, and enabled the app killing back button, and that seems to have helped a little - but it still slows down quite a bit with normal use.
Which is still a damn sight better than locking up and/or rebooting all the time like it used to.
I have had one battery pull in about three days, phone wouldn't wake up from sleep, but I'm pretty sure that's an intermittent hardware issue with my phone, as it's done the same thing with every rom i've tried.
If I see anything else, I'll post it! Overall fantastic ROM, and I can't give enough thanks to Phenom and everyone else who's worked on it. Donations will commence as soon as payday happens to my bank account, cause nothing says thanks like cash! :-D