Couple of things,
1. the ROM toolbox reboot to recovery does not work for me, it just guess to a black screen with backlight on, no response from the phone unless I hold power for 5 seconds or whatever it takes to force power off.
2. The button press to get into recovery, hood the power button down first, then hit home about 300 milliseconds later (read "asap"), hold both for about 2.5-3 seconds, then release power, I keep holding home until CWM greets me. Works 100% of the time, and I've never had the boot loop from it (cross my fingers, downloading the now!), this is my third Spectrum handset in less than 3 weeks.
3. My random reboots stopped after flashing this ROM.
I've flashed several times, as I modified this ROM and got it down to ~185MB (for the zip file) removing a few more things.
4. I have the quiet speaker phone and regular sounds during phone calls, but have a really loud "Droid" notification sound! I do use sound manager to run audio volume schedules, but turn the volume all the way up during calls.
5. I'm using adw launcher, as I have beef with 1 setting option that go is missing vs. adw, and a couple of other things I like better how they are handled in adw.
6. I recommend three or four reboots after installing this ROM, two before adding your gmail account (not really necessary, but makes me feel good!) And one right after setting up your gmail account. Then another after opening the market and letting the phone sync your Google data. Right now my Spectrum boots in 22-24 seconds, including unlocking the screen and loading my widgets, from a powered off state. My HTC Evo took ~90 seconds, rooted with a custom ROM and kernel.