Try this and let me know if it makes any difference:
1. Using Root Explorer or ES File Explorer, make sure that you have root privileges and mount the file system as read/write and then browse to the root /.
2. In there, open up init.triumph.rc.
3. Change the following lines and remove all of the # symbols:
on property:init.svc.bluetoothd=running
write /sys/devices/virtual/bluetooth/hci0/idle_timeout 7000
# start btwlancoex
#on property:init.svc.bluetoothd=stopped
# stop btwlancoex
<snipped some code out>
#service btwlancoex /system/bin/sh /system/etc/
# user shell
# group bluetooth net_bt_admin
# disabled
# oneshot
3. Save the file and then reboot your phone.
I'm wondering if the wifi and bt will coexist better now that the bt is not holding the wakelock constantly.