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Root [ROM][AOSP]dGB v01_28_2012| 2.3.5| 375MB /data| 60MB /system |Mult-lang |Unlock |Reboot[28 Jan]

Whenever I lose signal with this ROM it fails to regain signal when I can actually get it, I have to turn on aeroplane mode then off to fix it.


So ive factory reset the ROM and im still having signal issues. The problems seems to occur after long periods of time where the phone is left unused. For example whenever i wake up in the morning my phone has no signal. I can sometimes use aeroplane mode to fix this signal but this doesnt always work. It might work the first time but after that i have to reboot because the aeroplane mode option is grayed out in the power options and wont let me select it. And this issue is occuring lots of times a day..help would really be good :D

just like to say that I'm loving this ROM for battery life
Had it on for 24 hours and had Wifi on all day yesterday, some internet usage (push Gmail, facebook, twitter, google+, ebay) then ran mobile network instead of Wifi this morning while using GPS and google music so constantly online while I went for a 20 minute run, and now back on Wifi and still got 47%

Maybe I'll try the recommended Kernel some time and see how much more awesome it gets
Yes I'm on 60MB. I used custom MTD partitions so can I just change the 60 to 65 in mtd text file? Or should I flash a different HBOOT? Cheers
try changing to 65 in mtd. Dont forget you need to do the entire process again to do that. May aswell reflash the rom while you're at it.
Just thought I'd let you know that I tried the ICS beta today as I thought it would be a good idea seeing as I being doing some flashing and restoring and I seem to have to same issues on this ROM as well...so it must be my phone rather than your ROM?

May need a radio flash? You could try that if you feel confident. Although, best to do a nandroid restore to laast known good configuration to see if the issue then persists.
Think I'll have a look at flashing a radio tomorrow, think I've deleted most of my old nandroids, only got one from earlier today and an old sense based one. I never had issues with signal on stock sense though which is weird seeing as I've had trouble with this rom and ics...
Thanks for the advice I'll report back tomorrow cheers
What radio do you have now? Traditionally its best to go up in numbers

I still think you should change your hboot and restore that nandroid though
I've changed the Hboot to 65MB so i think il stick with that and see if it helps. Im on the latest radio at the moment but i downloaded the one before that but havent flashed it yet. I'll stay with the radio I have now and see how it goes.
Still having trouble...i've uploaded two images that show what happens when i try and use aeroplane mode to sort it out. Aeroplane mode screws up and i have to restart which takes ages becasue i have lots of apps so am i going to have different flash a radio? Cheers


  • snap20120103_202649.png
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  • screenshot-1325622018142.png
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I used revolutionary but the problem appears to be resolved. I did a full wipe & re-flashed the ROM. I then restored my user apps with titanium with the exception of Google maps which I downloaded fresh from the market. At this point I realized that move2sd enabler was set to install all apps to sd. Having moved maps back to internal memory it now seems to work fine.

I have not yet flashed the MAN-U kernel. I'll give the GPS a good test for a week or so first. If I do flash MAN-U & the problem re-occurs is it possible to flash the original kernel without flashing the whole ROM?

I've been using the GPS for a few days now (since wiping & reflashing the ROM) and it's worked flawlessly so I decided to reflash the MAN-U kernel. Immediately the GPS problem returned. This morning I reflashed the ROM over the top without wipe. The Redux kernel is restored & the GPS functioning perfectly again. I guess my phone isn't a MAN-U supporter!(pun intended).

The phone works perfectly with the Redux kernel & I have to say I didn't really notice any improvement in battery life when using MAN-U so I'm very happy with what I've got. I would probably be a little reluctant to install any future upgrades that include the MAN-U kernel though.
Hi Folks,

Just Installed dGB and have to say it is very tidy. Good job.

Battery life was seemed a bit poor and noticed that I should be using the recommended manu 1.4 kernel. Just flashed that after a nand backup and my wifi has now died :confused: rebooted the router etc. still no joy. Any ideas?

I've been using the GPS for a few days now (since wiping & reflashing the ROM) and it's worked flawlessly so I decided to reflash the MAN-U kernel. Immediately the GPS problem returned. This morning I reflashed the ROM over the top without wipe. The Redux kernel is restored & the GPS functioning perfectly again. I guess my phone isn't a MAN-U supporter!(pun intended).

The phone works perfectly with the Redux kernel & I have to say I didn't really notice any improvement in battery life when using MAN-U so I'm very happy with what I've got. I would probably be a little reluctant to install any future upgrades that include the MAN-U kernel though.

There probably wont be any future updates. Maybe you're not compatible. It would be a shame though.

You could try the latest 2.0.5 Beta as if that works, it would still better than the Redux as its SVS.


I'm using this and its pretty nice.; Please? Just one last try for me?

Installed the Man-U kernel still having issues...

Honestly don't know for you then. Please flash stock hboot and restore your sense Nandroid. Need to know what happens.

Hi Folks,

Just Installed dGB and have to say it is very tidy. Good job.

Battery life was seemed a bit poor and noticed that I should be using the recommended manu 1.4 kernel. Just flashed that after a nand backup and my wifi has now died :confused: rebooted the router etc. still no joy. Any ideas?


Sometimes the kernel doesnt flash nicely. Try reflashing it. If not, try the latest version:


I went to Monmouth once.
There probably wont be any future updates. Maybe you're not compatible. It would be a shame though.

You could try the latest 2.0.5 Beta as if that works, it would still better than the Redux as its SVS.


I'm using this and its pretty nice.; Please? Just one last try for me?

Considering all the work you put into this ROM & this forum how could I refuse?

Would you recommend a wipe before installing a kernel? Last time I flashed it straight after the ROM.
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