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Root [ROM][AOSP]dGB v01_28_2012| 2.3.5| 375MB /data| 60MB /system |Mult-lang |Unlock |Reboot[28 Jan]

I've managed to sort it, i did some googleing and some one on cyanogen forums had the same issues, all i had to do was delete .thumbnails folder and all is well. Really can't understand it but it works, i just wish I knew about it before.
very interesting. Thanks for the info. Ah well, we've learned something. Makes sense, SDcard is the only constant here.
Hi SUroot.Let me first start of by saying congratulations on a beautifully lightweight and efficient ROM. The battery life is spectacular,lasting me a day and a half with normal use.
Like the other users i just have to say this ROM is really quick and hardly any issues or bugs. Love the fact that I didn't have to remove any system apps(like I normally do with music, email and gallery3d when it comes to other ROMS) as its already been trimmed to just the necessary ones.

I saw a mention of something similar on page 10 and page 11 of this post but that was in November so I apologize if this seems like I'm reposting a known bug but this seemed a little different.
I'd just like to report a small bug (if i may even call it that).
When i enable Settings>Lockscreen Extras>Widget Options>Always Display Battery Status.
Here's the problem: The lockscreen battery status displays only the Percentage at which I unplugged the device.So When i unplugged the phone from charging at 91%, halfway through the day i noticed the disparity in the battery figures on lockscreen and the top status bar(at 70%).
I'm posting a link to the image file below as I'm in a bit of a hurry to re-size the picture to attach it.

View image: screenshot 1325694425153
View image: screenshot 1325694425153

Its not affecting the operation in any way but I just thought i'd report it.

Just to clarify,I'm S-ON with stock Hboot and using clockwork Recovery and I've calibrated my battery using the 'Battery calibration' app from Market.
Thank you once again SUroot and cheers!:D
Thanks for the report. I am aware of the issue and it is pretty annoying. I'm not sure if the issue is I missed something when porting teh CM7 lock screens (there was really lots to port to do that so its definitely likely) or whether the issue persists in CM7.
Thanks for the report. I am aware of the issue and it is pretty annoying. I'm not sure if the issue is I missed something when porting teh CM7 lock screens (there was really lots to port to do that so its definitely likely) or whether the issue persists in CM7.
I too had this, but just disabled it as I only use the lockscreen % whilst its charging, This work as normal. So not an issue for me.
I have finally reflashed dGb due to some wierd behaviour. My update from 1.4 was flashed on top without a wipe. I got freezes fairly regularly, needing battery pull to wake the phone up.

I read that this might be due to the lower voltages, so I went in search of the file to up them as described in your first post. The havsvdd script was not present.

Oddly, the market downloads were kept in /data/local/download, so I had to manually clear that once every couple of days to keep the /data partition from being eaten up.

Also, as I said in an earlier post (and later wrongly retracted), I still had parts of the swedish language pack from 1.4 present on the phone.

Apparently my flash to the latest version did not take alltogether. Perhaps you really need to do a full wipe between updates..?
doesnt sound like it worked properly if the script wasnt there. usually you shouldnt need to wipe, but you may have had to.
I've been running the new kernel for a few days now and have to say my battery life has definitely improved. Cheers dan.
yeah i had to wipe, going from 1.4 to the latest doesnt take very well. i lost loads of space too.

ducky1979 said:
I've been running the new kernel for a few days now and have to say my battery life has definitely improved. Cheers dan.
new kernel?
Manu beta 2.0.5 is becoming release 2.1. First kernel I have liked since 1.4

I have yet to flash my Kernel as my Christmas break was rather "merry"... *hic*. What kind of improvements are to be expected? Or is it more of a case of flashing then tweaking some settings to custom values? I should really read this. Was going to this weekend but the girlfriend wants me to root her Wildfire. So I'll spend most of my time researching that.

Is it weird that I'm kinda looking forward to it?
Ha! No.

It's a newer kernel so it should be more efficient. I stayed on 1.4 as the WiFi power thing in 2.0 just didn't work out for me. Works well, no complaints.
How do i achieve this kinda lockscreen? very confused. Just thought wud be good to have a few shortcuts.
Sorry, if this has been answered. But could not find any thing!!!


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This morning, I suddenly realised that I hadn't been on any Android forums for ages and basically it's down to two things - (1) the fact that I tend to dabble so flit back and forth between stuff and had got back into some other stuff that was taking up what little spare time I had, but also (2) I have had no issues (okay one Tasker one), or reasons to tinker with my phone - which always has an impact on (1).

The reason for (2) is down to the dGB ROM, so I thought I should come back and thank SURoot again for it. I've hit the thanks button already, but I realise this ROM has taken some time to build, so it was worth spelling out.

I'm not expecting to upgrade when it's available, as I can't imagine a new phone being as nice as the Desire with this ROM. There may be more up to date devices etc., but for me the biggest limitation for what I want to do now is screen size and there's no phone or ROM that'll fix that.

Anyway, thanks Dan. :)

Oh and I'm not drunk. :D
... Is the update still a work in progress?:D

Truth be told SU, I haven't noticed anything that needs addressing! Perhaps the option Lockscreen to be used in conjunction with the Security function but that's trivial at best!
I won't be moving from dGB anytime soon :D
Still loving this rom.

But is there a way to get the Google calendar widget back?
I just have the standard Htc blue andwhite icon and layourlt.

I much prefer the Google one.

Secondly I use Smart Keyboard pro and it keeps diverting back to
The stock keyboard in settings? In this down to it being moved to the sd card?
Still loving this rom.

But is there a way to get the Google calendar widget back?
I just have the standard Htc blue andwhite icon and layourlt.

I much prefer the Google one.

Secondly I use Smart Keyboard pro and it keeps diverting back to
The stock keyboard in settings? In this down to it being moved to the sd card?

dont move keyboards or programs with widgets to the sdcard.
Never had that keyboard problem, and I used Smart Keyboard Pro until I recently bought Swiftkey X for 10p :). But I also keep keyboards in internal storage, so you may be right.

As for calendar widgets, surely that blue and white one is the Google calendar widget, as there is no HTC calendar in this ROM? Though personally I've been using Pure Calendar forever, so don't really know the stock widgets very well.
Already answered but to confirm...

This Rom has only the Google android calendar and widget. No HTC ones.

Yes its because the keyboard is on sd...
I know that you are fairly done with this ROM, and I have to agree with Adskankster, I don't see myself upgrading the minute I can thanks to you. Respect.
Is there any chance of you adapting the language packs from 1.4? Swedish is the only thing I miss for this ROM to be perfect for me.
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