Extreme Android User
Just a heads up. I have performed this calibration many times. And every single time it has worked.... until the next charge cycle.
The calibration works, it'll discharge back to 0, but next time I charge up, it'll discharge to 13 then turn off. Then I have to do all over again. Tried various times on various ROMS, with the same results on all. Interestingly, I started off with phone turning off at 18. But the first 5 times I tried, the phone would turn off before telling me to plug in. Each time it did this, the next time I gave it a try, it would power off 1% lower. So I went from switch off at 18 to 17, 16, then 15, 14, and finally 13%.
Also, what do you use to move to SD? Simple2ext? The built in move to SD? I can't get close to 115 apps. Not by a long shot. Always run out of space before that.
Weird. Calibration always works for me with dgb and stock kernel. Always retains its 0% until a flash or nandroid restore