Android Enthusiast
Some news on the Wifi lock stuff.
It's NOT locking the kernel entirely. This is a very useful piece of information. While working on it this evening I managed to get it into the locked state when a SMS came in. That wasn't particularly unique, but that the LED continued to flash was of great importance - the kernel has to be running for that to happen, as the PWM "soft glow" is actually done in the kernel - it's not in the hardware.
It's not a breakthrough but it answers an important question - the kernel is not locking up with interrupts disabled, which was my original belief. Whether this will ultimately lead me to be able to fix it, however, is unknown.
It's NOT locking the kernel entirely. This is a very useful piece of information. While working on it this evening I managed to get it into the locked state when a SMS came in. That wasn't particularly unique, but that the LED continued to flash was of great importance - the kernel has to be running for that to happen, as the PWM "soft glow" is actually done in the kernel - it's not in the hardware.
It's not a breakthrough but it answers an important question - the kernel is not locking up with interrupts disabled, which was my original belief. Whether this will ultimately lead me to be able to fix it, however, is unknown.