First of all, you may want to check CM7 Reloaded, which is basically an updated version of TG's ROM (it's in the all things root section of the forums). If you continue to have this battery drain problem, go to [APP] BetterBatteryStats adds battery history back to Gingerbread - xda-developers and download/install the betterbatterystats app. What it does is, among other things, keep track of kernel wakelocks, which prevent the phone from going into deep sleep, which may be your problem. The wakelocks you want to look for are mmc0, mmc1, and mmc2. This is a known CM7 bug that some of us has experienced. Whyzor, the developer working on CM7, is aware of it and has worked on a solution. You will also want to check and make sure you have no rogue apps running in the background. I get about the same signal as you, so unless you're keeping mobile data on, I don't think that's what your problem is.
Regarding juicer, that only deals with your mobile data. You'll still get calls and texts.
Thanks for the CM7-reloaded I had not seen that. I am going to put that on today and then go from there. I have typically not been turning off mobile data but seems I will do that now.
It is so much fun to have a decent phone after my Intercept.