Good to know... I'll try that.
It seems like I remember TG fixing wifi or something by keeping the phone out of deep sleep. I wonder if there is a similar issue here.
My stereo headset is Moto S9hd and my hands free bluetooth is a Moto T325
Got the wakelock app. Will test it on the way home.
Can this be automated with Tasker?
Like when ever BT is turned on, enable partial_wake_lock
Automating it with Tasker would be the ultimate fix, no doubt.
I just tried the Wake Lock app and can confirm that the BT connection holds after more than five minutes of inactivity. HURRAH!!

Man, this issue was nagging me ever since I got the phone since I really wanted to use my BT headset with the Triumph. I just hope battery drain isn't too big of an issue.
This fix probably deserves a sticky thread of its own.