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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)


Here it is.
Volt settings.
As is when it was first opened.
For the battery problems try turning off everything that makes it vibrate. doing that along with the other things Wetbiker7 said to do will help out alot!
Error reporting:

My lock screen says 12:00pm for example. My notification bar clock will say 4:00pm

Is this happening to anyone else ? I'm not sure if its a boost mobile issue here.
Makes sense.

So far this thing is running like a champ. All I did was set it to sio and leave the Gov to on demand. Thanks for the info cat-daddy:cool:

Edit: I take that back. Its now back to freezing. My settings are-
I/O sio
Gov On demand
Min 480
Max 900

If you're running data2ext , I have a feeling that's the problem . The only time i've had lag issues was when either I wasn't running the SSM or my min. was set 2 low . If the min is set 2 low , the lag will go away after the phone wakes up . If it is still lagging after about 15-20 seconds of using the phone then the min being set 2 low is not the problem. Normally when a cpu is set 2 high , It'll crash then reboot , not lag .

Keep in mind that all phones are not the same . Some can handle 946MHz some only 900MHz while others can only handle 800MHz . I would use Odin and start from the beginning . After I had all of my apps installed I would try the new kernel with the stock settings for a while ( 200 Min - 800 Max ) and see if the phone is still lagging . If it is still lagging , I would switch over to the SSM . If the lag is gone, I would start turning the MHz up a little at a time and run it for a bit . I would keep doing that until I found the best settings for my phone .

I don't know what setting you are using for the sd card ( SSM , dat2ext , etc ) . Personally , I prefer the SSM . Even though I've got a class 10 card , I still get lag occasionally when running everything from my sd card . I have never had a lag issue while running the SSM . I've got all my apps installed and still got well over 100mb of internal space left too . ;)
My phone seems too run hot and battery life is about 4 hours

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
My phone seems too run hot and battery life is about 4 hours

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Turn the max cpu speed down . Heat is not only bad for the internals , it'll also kill a battery . If it's getting hot on the charger , try removing the phone protector if you have one on . I've also heard that it's good to remove the back cover while charging if you're in a room that is above average temp .
I reset it just now to 200min 800 Max guess I will try it this way

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
Had it on 98min and 946 max

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

The min setting will not cause your battery to drain , only lag at start up after the phone has been inactive . I think the 946MHz setting and the talk time is what is killing your battery . 21% talk time is a pretty good bit .

EDIT : Also , try cycling your battery by running it all the way down until it shuts off or is below 5% then putting a full charge on it . That makes HUGE difference .
Yeah I use my prevail as a phone too

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

Wait a minute ! You mean this darn thing can make calls too ?? LMAO .

recheck my post above , I added something . :p

Also , this little Prevail has and probably always will be a battery hog .
I think its counting my tether time as talk time

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

That could be the case .

I know that you had mentioned that your phone was getting hot . If you are using it to tether , that's one of the reasons .

Also , I don't know how much wifi tethering your are doing but it will kill a battery faster than anything if you are doing it while it's not plugged in .
Is this speed OK It seems slow to me
Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5

There are soooo many variables that can affect your speed . You may get great speed one day and crappy speed the next . It doesn't look that bad right now though .

I really don't put a lot of faith in those speed test . I've ran them back 2 back 2 back and had drastic speed differences .
This is by far the best this prevail has ever been thanks to blood and kouma

Sent from my SPH-M820-BST using Tapatalk 2 Beta-5
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