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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

It's a class 6 card. So you think SSM would be the best option? Isn't there a sticky with the "best" way to install CTMod with SSM? I thought I saw it here somewhere. Thanks for the help guys!

I also saw where Kouma has an SD Card formatter. Would that be a good option?

Yes for both questions. I ran a class 10 card and still used the SSM. The phone just runs smoother. :D
Is there a good way to check to see if SSM is set up correctly? I think I've got it, but I just like to double check it.

Install terminal emulator from market.
If it shows a listing for /data/app and /data/dalvik-cache, then your good. :)
For me, since I'm on data...
16gig card, C4

The ONLY thing slower, is the browser
It's a ram hogger...when I'm browsing i can't answer the phone
because it lags out...

Everything else, runs smoothly...

I think I'm going to trash this phone, get that new htc 4g from boost.
prevail, was the prevail to better things..
For me, since I'm on data...
16gig card, C4

The ONLY thing slower, is the browser
It's a ram hogger...when I'm browsing i can't answer the phone
because it lags out...

Everything else, runs smoothly...

I think I'm going to trash this phone, get that new htc 4g from boost.
prevail, was the prevail to better things..

Yea man this phone opened the door to the other Android phones for Boost. It's definitely lacking. I'm trying to get the most out of it before I upgrade though. I'd like to have either the HTC or the LG Marguee. I'm just too damn cheap to buy either right now! Haha
Install terminal emulator from market.
If it shows a listing for /data/app and /data/dalvik-cache, then your good. :)

When I typed that in, I see /data/app using 6% but I don't see data/dalvik-cache. I thought I had this right, but it looks like I screwed something up in the process. Any advice on how to set it up properly? Also, I'm not on FE19 yet. I'm still on FA19. I need to get on the new one!
When I typed that in, I see /data/app using 6% but I don't see data/dalvik-cache. I thought I had this right, but it looks like I screwed something up in the process. Any advice on how to set it up properly? Also, I'm not on FE19 yet. I'm still on FA19. I need to get on the new one!

did you make two partitions (3 total including vfat)? How did you make them?

If it was in cwm, did you use kouma's partition formatter (so it is ext4 and not swap)

If you used kouma's app, did you set the sdext to ext4?

If you used sdparted -i, when given the choice for format, did you type ext4? (ext2 is default, and will not work)


Also with regard to FE16, if you use Odin to install just the FE16phone.tar, you will get the new baseband without losing anything or having to start over.
did you make two partitions (3 total including vfat)? How did you make them?

If it was in cwm, did you use kouma's partition formatter (so it is ext4 and not swap)

If you used kouma's app, did you set the sdext to ext4?

If you used sdparted -i, when given the choice for format, did you type ext4? (ext2 is default, and will not work)


Also with regard to FE16, if you use Odin to install just the FE16phone.tar, you will get the new baseband without losing anything or having to start over.
your avatar is not showing up so i clicked it and it brought me to your home page and it is there but not here.
your avatar is not showing up so i clicked it and it brought me to your home page and it is there but not here.

Yea, i tried to upload a new one i made, and usually the size isn't an issue, the site converts it for you... But it seems to be broken atm, and i can't even upload the old one now :mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
Yea, i tried to upload a new one i made, and usually the size isn't an issue, the site converts it for you... But it seems to be broken atm, and i can't even upload the old one now :mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:
ok, that explains it then. don't know what to tell ya.:confused:
maybe try loggin out and then back in??
if i click in where your avatar should be it goes to your home and i see the new one there.
ok, that explains it then. don't know what to tell ya.:confused:
maybe try loggin out and then back in??
if i click in where your avatar should be it goes to your home and i see the new one there.

No it's on their end. I'm not the only one with the problem. And my profile pic is different from the avatar i want to use. (they have always been different)

But ANYWAYS :D... Herpaderpa Ctmod, radda radda... :p
No it's on their end. I'm not the only one with the problem. And my profile pic is different from the avatar i want to use. (they have always been different)

But ANYWAYS :D... Herpaderpa Ctmod, radda radda... :p
alright then, your old one suites your name good. and home page ones cool too.
did you make two partitions (3 total including vfat)? How did you make them?

If it was in cwm, did you use kouma's partition formatter (so it is ext4 and not swap)

If you used kouma's app, did you set the sdext to ext4?

If you used sdparted -i, when given the choice for format, did you type ext4? (ext2 is default, and will not work)


Also with regard to FE16, if you use Odin to install just the FE16phone.tar, you will get the new baseband without losing anything or having to start over.

I followed Kouma's instructions:

1> Partition SD card (I used sdparted -i for that, though I did not change it from ext2)
2> put CTMOD zip on SD card
3> Install CTMOD
4> Boot phone
5> Select desired configuration in KoumaMod settings(SSM for me since I was having lag with Data Mode)
6> Reboot in to recovery and format SD-ext (and SD-swap if applicable)
7> Reboot in to Android

After this I ran the .zip to change the ext partition to ext4. I only created two partitions. I didn't think you needed three partitions. I want to use SSM and not Data. I am going to start now by ODINing back to stock with FE19. Next should be the formatting/partitioning of the card. This is where I'm messing up apparently.
I was in CWM when using sdparted -i.

If your going to repartition, use kouma's partition app it's SOOOOO much simpler. No more adb. Just select ext4 for both partitions. (also, the main part of you card where you store things us technically a partition too. So you are ADDING 2 partitions for a TOTAL of three.) [Vfat|ext4|ext4]
If your going to repartition, use kouma's partition app it's SOOOOO much simpler. No more adb. Just select ext4 for both partitions. (also, the main part of you card where you store things us technically a partition too. So you are ADDING 2 partitions for a TOTAL of three.) [Vfat|ext4|ext4]
and if gonna do that might as well make a 4th (swap) small is all that is needed in case want to run swap it will be there. i just had a hard time getting the partion apk to work at first kept saying partitions still in use and can't remember how i got them shut off to get it to work. but is a great way!!!
and if gonna do that might as well make a 4th (swap) small is all that is needed in case want to run swap it will be there. i just had a hard time getting it to work at first kept saying partitions still in use and can't remember how i got them shut off to get it to work. but is a great way!!!

just have to make the last one in swap format is all then in kouma mod add /dev/block/mmcblk0p4 <<< thats if u make a 4th


  • Android 2.3.6
  • EXT4
  • Deodex'd
  • Zipaligned
  • Optimized
  • SD-Card cache set to 2048
  • KoumaKernel 2.5
  • Overclock
  • 14 Notification Widgets with settings
  • Extended Power Menu with Reboot, Recovery, Download and Screenshot
  • Themed
  • Adblock
  • ADB enabled on boot
  • CTMod Optimization script (to prevent any issues, don't use any other optimization scripts)
  • XPERIA S Home Launcher
  • and much more

Added apps:

Removed apps:


How to add removed app's:
&#10159; Download this: RemovedApps.zip and CLICK HERE for instructions on how to add them



This will wipe all your Data, Settings and SD-Ext

&#10159; KoumaKernel

How to install CTMod:
&#10159; Copy the zip to your SDCard
&#10159; Boot into ClockWorkMod
&#10159; Make a backup
&#10159; Select "install zip from sdcard"
&#10159; Select the CTMod.zip
&#10159; Select "yes"
&#10159; After its finished press back
&#10159; Select "reboot system now"


[B]06/18/12 Version 3.68[/B]
Updated build.prop to never show a notification for a Samsung update again
Added GooManager
Updated Chrome (Based on the newest Maxthon. Should be faster. Force-closes should be fixed. Redid some of the theme)
Changed some GPS stuff to hopefully help some people out
Updated Voltage Control to newest version
Updated QuickPic to newest version
Updated MIUI file Explorer to newest version
Updated Xperia Launcher to newest version
Updated Koumamod to newest version
The default for Koumamod is now set to "None" (You'll have to set it up how you like)

Updated the 3.6 link to fix Koumamod.

[B]05/07/12 Verson 3.6[/B]
Fixed the lag from 3.4 and 3.5
Fixed some stuff in the build.prop
Fixed some stuff in S03CT
Upgraded kernel to KoumaKernel 2.5
Updated Quickpic to newest version
Updated File Explorer to newest version
Updated Xperia Launcher to newest version
Updated KoumaMod settings to newest version (it shows up correctly that SSM is enabled now, Thanks Kouma)
Downgraded Voltage Control to fix a bug for saving settings as init.d
Replaced the stock browser with a fake Chrome Browser I put together for CTMod
Fixed and Updated some theming
Probably some other stuff I don't remember

[B]04/12/12 Verson 3.5[/B]
Fixed the lag some people had
New notification widgets added (Brightness, Flashlight, Screen timeout, Disable/enable lockscreen, Shut down, Reboot)
You can now customize notification widgets in CTMod settings
You can now change KoumaKernel modes in CTMod settings (Thanks to Koumajutsu, you no longer have to manually edit the koumamod file)
Changed some of the theme
Updated QuickPic to newest version
Updated Voltage Control to newest version
Updated File Manager to newest version (works a lot better now)
Fixed downloading notification text color

[B]04/01/12 Verson 3.4[/B]
Updated Adreno drivers
Added Screenshot option to the Power Menu
Updated the kernel to KoumaKernel 2.4 (automatically set to SSM)
Updated QuickPic to newest version
Updated File Explorer to newest version
Added [URL="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.darekxan.voltagecontrol&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5kYXJla3hhbi52b2x0YWdlY29udHJvbCJd"]Voltage Control[/URL]
Changed launcher to [URL="http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1557091"]XPERIA S Home Launcher[/URL] (widgets not included)
Redid the init.d scripts and added a special one made for CTMod (sd cache script is now located in /system/etc/init.d/S03CT. Do not use any other optimization scripts)
Redid the build.prop
3G should be better now. If its still slow blame Boost

[B]03/17/12 Verson 3.3[/B]
Fixed updating contacts force-close
Removed the In Call Screen lock
Removed Mobile AP
Removed Hiddenmenu (since it no longer works)
Fixed Volume
Brand new MIUI File Explorer (lighter, faster, root explorer can be enabled, no annoying update pop-up, FTP)
Upgraded to the official KoumaKernel 2.1 (fixed version. Yes the app/data mods are included this time)
Added CTMod Settings to Settings
Added a Clock next to the Date in the notification drop down
Swype can now be added like any other app, the fix is no longer required.
Misc Tweaks
Cleaned and Optimized some files
Completely redid the Removed Apps zip (I removed any app from it that can be installed with the market. I removed useless shit from it that nobody will ever want or need. Every app in it has been tested and works)
Other random changes

[B]03/04/12 Verson 3.2[/B]
ROM installation now formats existing SD-Ext's to prevent issues related to old files
Changed some things with Bluetooth to hopefully fix issues some people have
Updated build.prop to stop the notification for FA19
Removed the battery fully charged pop-up
Fixed the problem some apps had when updating them with the market
Color Effects now works on the camera (thanks to Xruptor for finding the new camera)
Replaced My Files with MIUI File Manager
Updated QuickPic
Added CRT animation
Added Shutdown animation
Performance tweaks
Cleaned up and Optimized some files
Updated some images
Other random changes

[B]02/22/12 Verson 3.1.2[/B]
Works with both Baseband EJ06 and FA19
Fixed receiving calls for real this time
Added new RemovedApps.zip
Email fix is no longer required to use the stock email app. you can add it like any of the other ones now

[B]02/21/12 Verson 3.1[/B]
Fixed volume
New boot animation, wallpaper, kernel splash
Made settings background semi-transparent

[B]02/20/12 Verson 3.0[/B]
Upgraded Android from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (thanks to hraork)
Added ICS keyboard
Upgraded kernel to unofficial KoumaKernel 1.3

[B]01/31/12 Verson 2.5[/B]
New lock screen clock
Fixed browser zoom button
GPS tweaks
Performance tweaks
Updated market
Changed a few images in the theme
Couple new init.d scripts

[B]01/05/12 Verson 2.4[/B]
New RAM Optimizer script
Added a script for SD cache size (default is 2048)
Added some other init.d scripts
Cleaned up the build.prop
Some performance tweaks
Fixed the Media scanner text
Fixed the 3G icon
New boot animation
Updated Zeam and QuickPic
some other random stuff fixed/changed

[B]12/01/11 Verson 2.3[/B]
Fixed Bluetooth file transfer
Fixed Zeam force closing when opening the camera with the shutter button
Fixed the force close when going to Mobile networks in Settings/Wireless & network settings
Fixed the force close when going to Menu/Downloads in the browser
Updated QuickPic and the Market to newest version
Themed keyboard
Removed Download Crutch icon from the app drawer
Fixed some build.prop typos

[B]11/25/11 Verson 2.2[/B]
Switched over to KoumaKernel 1.0
Boot Animations are fixed and enabled now
Removed brightness widget till i get it working
Fixed Bluetooth to not depend on Music.apk
Removed Music.apk and replaced it with Miui Music(its lighter, faster and doesn't automatically start up)
Added QuickPic so people would quit asking how to change wallpaper
Updated Zeam and Superuser to the newest version
Finished up more of the theming

[B]11/15/11 Verson 2.1[/B]
Fixed Bluetooth (had to add Music.apk back, if you don't use bluetooth and don't want the apk you can remove it)
Removed data throttle
Battery life should be a little better
Optimized 3G
Tweaked some stuff to improve performance
Updated Zeam to the newest version

[B]11/10/11 Verson 2.0[/B]
Redid the ROM for Gingerbread 2.3.5
Includes Koumajutsu's newest kernal
Brand new Notification Widgets, has 10 widgets that you scroll sideways on
Carrier IQ completely removed (again)

[B]11/5/11 Verson 1.2[/B]
Fixed Mms (had to add SprintAndroidExtention.apk back even tho i didn't want to)
Added MiuiCamera.apk, DownloadCrutch.apk
Performance tweaks
Removed Boost mobile boot sound, framework-tests.jar, sec_feature.jar, twframework.jar, twframework-res.apk, monkey.jar Camera.apk

[B]10/28/11 Verson 1.1[/B]
Fixed GPS (Use wireless Networks)
Fixed Adblock
Fixed Text to speech
Fixed Some file permissions
Removed VoiceDialer.apk, GoogleQuickSearchBox Gmail.apk

[B]10/21/11 Verson 1.0[/B]
Initial release

Thanks to:
  • Koumajutsu for the kernel
  • hroark13 for the 2.3.6 base, the ext4 script and for all of his work
  • Romanbb for the app I based CTMod settings on
  • lidroid for the Quickpanel
  • and Thank you to everyone who has donated
bloodawn.... i acually just found out about rooting n development. my friend had a rooted phone n wouldnt sho me. so i did it myself. i managed to root and brick it in 1 day with rom manager.lol(samsung galaxy prevail) shouldve did more research.. ive always been in to technology n would like to start developing myself.. can u be a mentor to me? what are kernals/roms/mods? can i change them at will? is their anything else i need to know? your help would be greatly appreciated.
If your going to repartition, use kouma's partition app it's SOOOOO much simpler. No more adb. Just select ext4 for both partitions. (also, the main part of you card where you store things us technically a partition too. So you are ADDING 2 partitions for a TOTAL of three.) [Vfat|ext4|ext4]

OK I am going to Odin back to stock FE19 right now. What steps do I take after that? Do I need to format the card before I install 3.68 or can I do it after the install THEN switch it to SSM?
So I flashed ctmod to my phone the other night.
Everything worked just fine.
The next morning when I woke up, my phone didn't work at all..
Wouldn't charge, wouldn't boot into download or recovery.
My sd card was also corrupted.
So I lost tons of important stuff that I'll never be able to get back.
I got it working again after 2 days, and now my battery like went from 8 hours with moderate use to 2 hours with no use at all.

I'm not worried about it, I just want to know if anyone could figure out what happened so it doesn't happen to anyone else.
CTMod is awesome. I've had a much older version running on my girlfriends phone forever. It's rock solid. I'm going to wait until the next major update that includes everything, and flash it over. I bet it'll be like a new phone. :)
CTMod is awesome. I've had a much older version running on my girlfriends phone forever. It's rock solid. I'm going to wait until the next major update that includes everything, and flash it over. I bet it'll be like a new phone. :)
I wouldn't expect too terribly much beyond 3.68. It's on the latest updates for our phone as well as the latest Koumamod, and it's rock solid as well. As a matter of fact, my phone has been running rock solid without a restart for the last 207 hrs and 18 minutes. I'd say it's pretty safe to upgrade!
Hm. I was under the impression it wasn't on the very latest update for the phone. If it is, I agree with you and I should just flash it. :)
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