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Root [ROM] CTMod 3.80 (04/06/13)

The quickpanel is a default part of the rom, it's installed when the rom is installed.

I believe he was asking as to be able to do it himself (perhaps to another ROM or phone.

IIRC, blood had to edit services.jar to get it to work (perhaps more, i will try find a link to his posts regarding it, or maybe a tut. No promises)
could you do a tutorial on how to install the QuickPanel? Please :D

I believe he was asking as to be able to do it himself (perhaps to another ROM or phone.

IIRC, blood had to edit services.jar to get it to work (perhaps more, i will try find a link to his posts regarding it, or maybe a tut. No promises)

on GB its SystemUI.apk that needs to be edited.

I didn't do it this way and I'm not gonna say it will work since things can be different for each phone but here:

[GUIDE]How to add customizable 14 statusbar toggle buttons for samsung ROM - xda-developers
where can i download a apk for the RECOVERY option in the boot menu, when you long press Power...

My friend has a S2, i rooted it, but, the s2, you need to be a contortionist to go into recovery, after reboot...

so i though id look on play, but i dont see anything like that, i see a app that does that...but would like to incorporate it into the power options menu.

..and the screenshot option as well....
where can i download a apk for the RECOVERY option in the boot menu, when you long press Power...

My friend has a S2, i rooted it, but, the s2, you need to be a contortionist to go into recovery, after reboot...

so i though id look on play, but i dont see anything like that, i see a app that does that...but would like to incorporate it into the power options menu.

..and the screenshot option as well....

In terminal-
reboot recovery

To add it to the power menu would be a bit of work.

But you can put the option in the notification using elixer2
Is anyone able to use GPS with data mode enabled rather than SSM? I finally upgraded from CTmod 3.4 to 3.68 last night because I got sick of the lag, and my GPS not working. Well now the lag seems to have gone away, but I still cannot get GPS to work. Can anyone verify that they are able to get GPS working with Data checked rather than SSM?

I haven't tried with SSM yet, but I couldn't seem to get the extra storage space I needed working with SSM. The phone would still just show around 109mb of internal memory free after only installing Titanium Backup.

All help is appreciated!
I havent had an issue with GPS on CTMod 3.68 w/SSM Enabled,although i have seen a few posts with complaints.as far as the extra data goes,i believe theres a tut for getting ssm to work properly.i believe you can just partition your sdcard in CWM,then select (whatever SWAP value you want) then whatever EXT value,and flash the SD2EXT4 zip afterwords.that formats both EXT & SWAP as an EXT 4 filesystem i believe.second boot after selecting SSM in KoumaMod i had about 149MB free.
Heres A Screenshot with about 10-15 apps currently installed W/SSM Enabled.
I havent had an issue with GPS on CTMod 3.68 w/SSM Enabled,although i have seen a few posts with complaints.as far as the extra data goes,i believe theres a tut for getting ssm to work properly.i believe you can just partition your sdcard in CWM,then select (whatever SWAP value you want) then whatever EXT value,and flash the SD2EXT4 zip afterwords.that formats both EXT & SWAP as an EXT 4 filesystem i believe.second boot after selecting SSM in KoumaMod i had about 149MB free.

Or just use Kouma's new formatter app :D:D :p:p
Is anyone able to use GPS with data mode enabled rather than SSM? I finally upgraded from CTmod 3.4 to 3.68 last night because I got sick of the lag, and my GPS not working. Well now the lag seems to have gone away, but I still cannot get GPS to work. Can anyone verify that they are able to get GPS working with Data checked rather than SSM?

I haven't tried with SSM yet, but I couldn't seem to get the extra storage space I needed working with SSM. The phone would still just show around 109mb of internal memory free after only installing Titanium Backup.

All help is appreciated!

IM on ssm with working gps 145 apps some with very large data files and still got 35+ mb free. that includes system apps but those still got data files. how many apps did you have to fill data?
IM on ssm with working gps 145 apps some with very large data files and still got 35+ mb free. that includes system apps but those still got data files. how many apps did you have to fill data?

What I did was make a 512mb EXT4 partition using CWM's built in tool. I maxed out the swap size at 128 (all CWM would allow). Then I installed the ROM and selected SSM and rebooted the phone. When I checked how much storage space I had afterward, my phone only showed 109mb left, and all I had installed was Titanium Backup. A few months ago when I first joined here, I found a lot of the info I needed to get SSM setup properly, but I was waiting on a more reliable version of CTmod before I upgraded. Since then I've forgotten the information to set up SSM correctly, and I have also lost which threads I found that info in. So for the sake of time (since I don't have hours to spend searching and sifting), I just selected the data mode.

However, it seems that GPS should still work in this particular mode anyways. In the CTmod release notes it doesn't state, "You must be in SSM for GPS to work." So I assume that there is a problem with the ROM or the Kernel that is causing the issue. I also accept that there is a possibility that I did something wrong, but I really can't see what that might be.

As for how many apps I have, I know that I have more than what internal memory can handle, which is why I sought out the option of rooting my phone in the first place.

I don't know if it matters, but the GPS app I'm attempting to use is the one that comes with Google Maps. It was my GPS of choice when I was on my stock unrooted ROM, and I would like to continue using it. I just thought I would note that, in case it mattered.
there a gps cwm zip that tweak your gps.conf. and I think some people got gps going on data. idk I only use ssm. prolly cuz ssm leave gps data on phone. and 109mb a lot of space on ssm. apps and dalvik take most space. and you click 3 notification triangles too sign in on maps app?
there a gps cwm zip that tweak your gps.conf. and I think some people got gps going on data. idk I only use ssm. prolly cuz ssm leave gps data on phone. and 109mb a lot of space on ssm. apps and dalvik take most space. and you click 3 notification triangles too sign in on maps app?

dude, i use data mode, with a few tweaks, got GPS working.
After, flashing 3.68, did not have to tweak.

Steps: fur data mode
1. Physically back up your Shit, copy it to your computer.
2. Format your card in cwm, using partition tool, choose the
Size, fur swap make it 0.
It will format your card,so make sure you backed up to your
computer and not your phone. Flash 3.68, when it boots
To screen open kouma kernel settings.

Choose, data
Check, disable internal data/

Go to next tab fur swap settings, choose your location
Mine is /data/swapfile0
Percentage is@ 100

, remember, save settings!

Reboot...it should work

Of it doesn't , scroll to my other post
I have a small guide how to get it to work
...you'll download some gps appss
There is a gps config flash as well
Check, disable internal data

Last night, I stumbled upon a thread where someone said that was what they did to get GPS to work. I ended up checking that box, restarted my phone, and my GPS immediately worked.

So it seems that this setting should be made as a default if having it unchecked will break the GPS.

Thanks for the help anyways.
Last night, I stumbled upon a thread where someone said that was what they did to get GPS to work. I ended up checking that box, restarted my phone, and my GPS immediately worked.

So it seems that this setting should be made as a default if having it unchecked will break the GPS.

Thanks for the help anyways.

Yea, thats the one i added to,found that info did it,told others
Hopefully, it's just me....

When I'm on 3g, i have full bars @ -75
Ill use the browser, the fake chrome, on 3.68

Ill get a call...
the screen, goes from browser, to black screen
I hear the ringing....mr.number, which I've used since
I bought the phone, does show at the bottom, who it is..

But, the screen is still black....no swype keys to answer or to
End call...no image, or avatar...just black...

The only way to get to work....
Close the browser, then i can answer the phone....

So, it's the browser..for sure.
Last night, I stumbled upon a thread where someone said that was what they did to get GPS to work. I ended up checking that box, restarted my phone, and my GPS immediately worked.

So it seems that this setting should be made as a default if having it unchecked will break the GPS.

Thanks for the help anyways.

I got rid of that option in future versions. From now on, Data mode disables the internal. Damn race condition is to blame. Seems Android tries to run and configure while init is still running. So, even though internal gets mounted and the sd-card is literally the very next line of code, bad things can happen in the middle. but not all the time.. that's how race conditions are though
I got rid of that option in future versions. From now on, Data mode disables the internal. Damn race condition is to blame. Seems Android tries to run and configure while init is still running. So, even though internal gets mounted and the sd-card is literally the very next line of code, bad things can happen in the middle. but not all the time.. that's how race conditions are though

Cool! Glad you'll be fixing it (or should I say preventing users from breaking it). Thanks!
I'm having a problem with lag after switching to Data mode. Has anyone else had this issue? I've noticed this almost every time I've switched to Data. I may be screwing something up along the way.
I'm having a problem with lag after switching to Data mode. Has anyone else had this issue? I've noticed this almost every time I've switched to Data. I may be screwing something up along the way.

Are you switching from ssm? What class card do you have? in data mode the faster the card, better it is. Slower card ssm is better.
Are you switching from ssm? What class card do you have? in data mode the faster the card, better it is. Slower card ssm is better.

Indeed, C. I bet he has a slower sd card. A lot of people just don't understand that when they run the data from the sd card, the phone has to pull all the data that it needs off of the card. If the card is slow then they will get that lag. Even with a class 10 sd card, I still ran the SSM when I had my Prevail. It just ran so much smoother for me. Kouma hooked us up when he made the SSM 4sure. ;)

Even when I kept the data on my phone w/ the SSM, I still had a bunch of space left over once all my apps were installed too.

1 more thing that I want to add. After comparing the read/write speeds from my class 10 card on my Prevail and Marquee, there is a pretty big difference between the two even thought they had the same class 10 card. On a good day my Prevail would get between 7-8.5 write speeds where as my Marquee gets 11+ on a constant basis with the exact same card.
Indeed, C. I bet he has a slower sd card. A lot of people just don't understand that when they run the data from the sd card, the phone has to pull all the data that it needs off of the card. If the card is slow then they will get that lag. Even with a class 10 sd card, I still ran the SSM when I had my Prevail. It just ran so much smoother for me. Kouma hooked us up when he made the SSM 4sure. ;)

Even when I kept the data on my phone w/ the SSM, I still had a bunch of space left over once all my apps were installed too.

1 more thing that I want to add. After comparing the read/write speeds from my class 10 card on my Prevail and Marquee, there is a pretty big difference between the two even thought they had the same class 10 card. On a good day my Prevail would get between 7-8.5 write speeds where as my Marquee gets 11+ on a constant basis with the exact same card.

It's a class 6 card. So you think SSM would be the best option? Isn't there a sticky with the "best" way to install CTMod with SSM? I thought I saw it here somewhere. Thanks for the help guys!
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