So, my Prevail crashed recently. It froze one day, so I took out the battery and restarted it. Unfortunately, when I rebooted, it was consistently stuck on the KoumaKernel picture.
So, I finally restored from an old back-up (CT Mod 3.75). I flashed up to 3.80. I haven't wiped my sd card in a while, so I backed it up and did so.
I decided at this point that I wanted to try Kouma's SSM setting. I couldn't get it to work. I've been up and down the forums looking for a step-by-step method for getting it done, but to no avail.
Can someone direct me to the procedure for implementing SSM on my phone? If I'm understanding SSM correctly, I'd like to have a partition for apps (replacing internal memory), a partition for the davlik cache* (replacing internal memory), and a partition for swap (should this be on the internal or sd memory).
Thoughts and advice? I just want my Prevail to be as capable and lag-free as possible.
Currently, I'm running a Class 4 SanDisk card with 32 GB with a 4096 MB partition in Data mode. My intention is to overclock (200 min, 900 max) like I did before with the performance CPU control and an appropriate I/O scheduler (I forget which one I was using last time).
Thanks in advance!
*BTW, what is the Davlik cache anyway? I read that it takes away from
internal memory, so I wanted to eliminate that and free up the internal
for swap or whatever.
So, I finally restored from an old back-up (CT Mod 3.75). I flashed up to 3.80. I haven't wiped my sd card in a while, so I backed it up and did so.
I decided at this point that I wanted to try Kouma's SSM setting. I couldn't get it to work. I've been up and down the forums looking for a step-by-step method for getting it done, but to no avail.
Can someone direct me to the procedure for implementing SSM on my phone? If I'm understanding SSM correctly, I'd like to have a partition for apps (replacing internal memory), a partition for the davlik cache* (replacing internal memory), and a partition for swap (should this be on the internal or sd memory).
Thoughts and advice? I just want my Prevail to be as capable and lag-free as possible.
Currently, I'm running a Class 4 SanDisk card with 32 GB with a 4096 MB partition in Data mode. My intention is to overclock (200 min, 900 max) like I did before with the performance CPU control and an appropriate I/O scheduler (I forget which one I was using last time).
Thanks in advance!
*BTW, what is the Davlik cache anyway? I read that it takes away from
internal memory, so I wanted to eliminate that and free up the internal
for swap or whatever.