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Root [ROM][July14] Icy Fusion V5.0 | Smooth | Tweaked | Themed | Battery

what version are you upgrading to 5.3? becuase 5.4.1 is uploading to my dropbox right now and that should support it but i dont think any other version supports it besides version 5.0 i think, so if you wait till then it should work!
Can someone test the OTA update center? If you added the lines for your build prop already or it won't work
Just a heads up 5.4.1 is a bit unstable actually a lot unstable I had a reboot within the first five minutes and I was in a boot loop so stay on version 5.3 for now
I just did a simple ( cache & dalvik ) from 5.0 and the only thing that I have noticed so far is that when I set the lock screen to "None", it still has the slide.

And I downloaded FoxFi and ran it. Failed but then when I tried WiFi Tether it worked...:D

I will try that OTA thing...

Yea the OTA shows all relevant info and no FCs or reboots.

OK I just flashed the CRT mod and found them thar bootloops.
Going to flash 5.3 and see.
Here is the information from build prop and ota update center. Can you seen anything wrong?


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quick question can we get different boot animation . l like the one on slimdroid rom

Yeah I actually like that one also will add it in, and as for the otaupdater thing change the I'd to: romid123455 and that should work blueracer
Yeah I actually like that one also will add it in, and as for the otaupdater thing change the I'd to: romid123455 and that should work blueracer

It kind of worked :). It was able to check for an update and let me know 5.4.1 was available just now. There was a problem downloading it though, did you pull it?

EDIT: Dropbox says that your public links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled lol
When will 5.4.1 be up?

Well it is up but its all screwed up so I'm releasing a new version that should be stable and smooth and will be working on a huge update over the next few days or so and today I'm just releasing a good enough one to keep you good until the big release
Well it is up but its all screwed up so I'm releasing a new version that should be stable and smooth and will be working on a huge update over the next few days or so and today I'm just releasing a good enough one to keep you good until the big release

Apart from Google now not working in 5.3 the rom is very stable. I don't mind staying on that one for a couple days so you can work on the big update.

Also, in Gmail i have noticed when i delete messages it shows html formatting around the number deleted ( bold tags). Don't know if thatis something you did or in gmail itself.
Uploading v5.4.5 right now with three different version 1.better performance and multitasking 2. better battery 3. overall good everything ( base ROM)
updated the website with some things, and version 5.4, 5.4.1, 5.4.5 all didnt go as planned so for now just stay on version 5.3 or whatever backup you prefer if you made one, becuase those are the most stable for now, so jst wait till my next big update in the following week, go to website for more information

Edit: put the mods in the extras section and should work on any version they work very well for me im using the battery one right now, will try out the multitasking one later tonight.... Now its time for THE WALKING DEAD FINALE!!!! (midway finale...)
hi, i'm a chinese user and i use this phone in china under china telecom network(evdo/cdma2000), how can i display china telecom on lockscreen, for now it's blank. and a few apps working only on wifi ,cannot open or get error on 3g network, so what should i do? thanks
I am not completely educated in flashing alternate carriers; however there are very specific files in the Rom for the cell carrier, certain lines from the build.prop file are also necessary.

Your best bet is to get someone who builds roms for your carrier to modify this Rom. There are a few Chinese roms for this phone, a web search should find them for you, then just contact the dev for help.
I have reflashed back to 3.5. Battery lasted overnight with 60% left in the morning, Charged until 1 AM, checked at 930AM. Data Wifi Sync, GPS,all off. It's 1233PM and down to 53% after a few texts. Seems to me, 3.5 is clearly the battery champ.
I have reflashed back to 3.5. Battery lasted overnight with 60% left in the morning, Charged until 1 AM, checked at 930AM. Data Wifi Sync, GPS,all off. It's 1233PM and down to 53% after a few texts. Seems to me, 3.5 is clearly the battery champ.

Wow that seems good and today on v5.3 with the battery tweak I was at 100% and went down to 96% with 10min screen time and rest standby with airplane mode from 5am to 3pm so you should try the tweak its good and could you please go to your root file explorer then go to /system/etc/init.d then In that folder are there any files in their? If so would you mind putting them in your drop box?
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