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Root [ROM][July14] Icy Fusion V5.0 | Smooth | Tweaked | Themed | Battery

Alright i have decided to start back at the original base ROM which was playfulgods stock based one and i will just go from there and I'm removing acid audio engine and adding in DSP Manager and walkman app, expect the big release tomorrow in the afternoon or so........should be rock solid and smooth
Alright i have decided to start back at the original base ROM which was playfulgods stock based one and i will just go from there and I'm removing acid audio engine and adding in DSP Manager and walkman app, expect the big release tomorrow in the afternoon or so........should be rock solid and smooth

Will this be V6.0 or are you renaming it?
Earlier I used 2.0 and I see few random reboots. Then I upgraded to 3.6 with wipe everything and I use it without problems and no force close after restoring in titanium backup (update zip mode). GPS lock quite best and fast. I liked this 3.6 version and I read posts about 4.0 and 5.3 version both having problems. I plan not to download newer version. I am statified with Icy Fusion 3.6 version. :-D
Earlier I used 2.0 and I see few random reboots. Then I upgraded to 3.6 with wipe everything and I use it without problems and no force close after restoring in titanium backup (update zip mode). GPS lock quite best and fast. I liked this 3.6 version and I read posts about 4.0 and 5.3 version both having problems. I plan not to download newer version. I am statified with Icy Fusion 3.6 version. :-D

Yeah 3.6 is probably the most stable rom i have released to be honest but this new version should be just as stable or more and will be much better
Added wallpapers to website! and dont view them too much just once or so because i have limited bandwidth each month! thanks!
Released 24 hours earlier than expected. Nice surprise that is :) Downloading now and will test tonight and tomorrow. Will come back with an update tomorrow night unless I find major bugs. Thanks azoller1
Released 24 hours earlier than expected. Nice surprise that is :) Downloading now and will test tonight and tomorrow. Will come back with an update tomorrow night unless I find major bugs. Thanks azoller1

OK and also could you run an an tutu benchmark for me?
when you choose your launcher select the "homescreen" launcher not the sony xperia one the circles widget only works on the razr m launcher which is the homescreen one it does not work on any other launcher
OK and also could you run an an tutu benchmark for me?

Done already. Was going to post this tomorrow with bugs. Got an 8079 which is the best I have ever had on any ICY FUSION before. Ran a 8100+ yesterday on CM9. Very impressed by your build.


  • 2012-12-08 21.26.58.png
    2012-12-08 21.26.58.png
    210.7 KB · Views: 96
Uploaded ROM download have problems the RAR decompression, there are a lot of files are not unpack, please solve.Thank you!
Wow that's a lot better than i was expecting becuase i dont think the init.d tweaks were working and i only got around 7100, thanks!
RC1 extremely laggy. Hosed my contacts. Photo gallery gone, Gmail doesn't work. Homescreen forces close. Only experia works, and then homescreens are blank and not accepting anything. No settings widget and no way to get to them. No phone service either. Volume on lock and home screens very high was very high! couldn't fine a way to adjust them. Going back to 3.6
RC1 extremely laggy. Hosed my contacts. Photo gallery gone, Gmail doesn't work. Homescreen forces close. Only experia works, and then homescreens are blank and not accepting anything. No settings widget and no way to get to them. No phone service either. Going back to 3.6

did you remember to wipe EVERYTHING?
RC1 extremely laggy. Hosed my contacts. Photo gallery gone, Gmail doesn't work. Homescreen forces close. Only experia works, and then homescreens are blank and not accepting anything. No settings widget and no way to get to them. No phone service either. Volume on lock and home screens very high was very high! couldn't fine a way to adjust them. Going back to 3.6

I didn't have that issue at all. Did you restore things?
Couldn't restore anything, nothing worked, have gone back to 3.6.

I haven't had this many issues. Maybe try redownloading the ROM, wipe data, cache and dalvik. Gallery shouldn't be touched as your pictures are stored on your sd card. Did you wipe your sd card?
Found some bugs and PMed you. Most of these are minor things and won't be noticed in daily use. Will uninstall Google talk and go with regular version for now as it fc's on me when trying to sign in.
Great job on this release it's very stable and runs smoothly for me. 8000+ anTuTu score confirms this.
Ok I went back, and formatted, wiped and reinstalled. In call volume on RC1 is unimproved from 5 or 5.3. Dialing volume and media volume is crazy loud. Photo galley app is MIA, The install loaded some of it's apps on my SD card, and deleted everything else. Cant load anything from SD card.
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