New version incoming. I consider this one a bigger upgrade than the rest, so a full wipe is DEFINITELY recommended
-No more crashes during calls, wifi no longer takes forever to connect, everything runs faster and smoother, battery life is about the same if not better, clock speeds go down smoother when the screen is turned off preventing more crashes, etc etc etc
1.4.0 12/30/2012 (Latest)
-Change Kernel to Buttered Toast
-Add zip align init.d script
-Change install script
-Updated Gmail, Titanium Backup, Superuser, Youtube, Google Calendar, AdAway, File Manager
-Removed Smith and QXDM2SD
In buildprop...
-Disabled checkin services, error reporting, and logging
-Changed windowsmgr.max_evets_per_sec to 240
-Change of line "dalvik.vm.dexopt-flags=m=y-"
In init.d postboot...
-Change read ahead to 1024
-Enable zram compressed memory
-Removed fsync code
-Change wifi settings
-Removed undervolting
-Change memory settings
-Removal of some code that was no longer needed
-Change default clock back to 1.296