Jaay Dogg
Android Expert
how goes in the land of the Motorola Triumph ? The Wife wants something new & yes she's still rocking the her OG triumph. I on the other hand have been off inside of so many of the newer Android devices, like i'm rocking the new Samsung Galaxy S2 4G. Anyway so i see there's still no love in the camera department area, what a bummer the wife won't let me put her Triumph on ICS or Jellybean being as she can't live without the camera, lol. So what's new in the CyanogenMod development ? Anyboby got any suggestions for me on the Triumph ? Stability & functionality are a must i'm so sick of having to hear about the little problems when i'm trying to focos on building HTC & Samsung roms from source or make kernels. I haven't been in this section for awhile now, but i had forgotten how much of my work is posted here in the MT section. Also am i blind or is there no link for the Gapps in the MTDEV CM7 section ? I'd prefer to keep her phone on gingerbread or higher but ?????