I haven't had a chance to really test it yet but the 3-3-13 version doesn't seem to work with VPN (pptp) while MTDEV-CM7-20130119.zip (posted on page 29) actually worked.
Edit - Restarted did fix permissions, not sure if that made a difference or if it will crash more. Will test tomorrow and see if I can start the service.
Edit 2 - Working fine today didn't restart will assume that fixed it.
Upload to picasa is also giving me a "Failed Service Error" message.
Alog for Picasa upload error.
Syncing the Picasa folders do work, my gallery is synced with all the current uploads. It might be caused by the fact that I didn't wipe the data but seeing how everything else works I don't think that's the case.
Edit: guessing it's probably my end for the picasa upload issue. Wouldn't make sense for that one feature to break.
Wifi seems to work slightly better. The previous version gave me a lot of issues with wifi giving "error" and not starting up. For some odd reason it seems to only get a local IP but doesn't change DNS servers. I can connect to google through the IP and I can connect to the router via IP but google.com would fail. So in the end I will still need to restart my phone to get wifi working.
W/InputManagerService( 260): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2b100ed8
E/VpnService( 6869): onError()
E/VpnService( 6869): java.io.IOException: cannot start service: mtpd
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.DaemonProxy.start(DaemonProxy.java:75)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startDaemon(VpnDaemons.java:106)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startMtpd(VpnDaemons.java:127)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startPptp(VpnDaemons.java:56)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.PptpService.connect(PptpService.java:31)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.onConnect(VpnService.java:147)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnServiceBinder$2.run(VpnServiceBinder.java:118)
E/VpnService( 6869): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1019)
I/VpnService( 6869): disconnecting VPN...
D/VpnSettings( 6858): received connectivity: Home: connected? DISCONNECTING err=0
I/SProxy_mtpd( 6869): Stop VPN daemon: mtpd
E/VpnService( 6869): onError()
E/VpnService( 6869): java.io.IOException: cannot start service: mtpd
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.DaemonProxy.start(DaemonProxy.java:75)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startDaemon(VpnDaemons.java:106)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startMtpd(VpnDaemons.java:127)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnDaemons.startPptp(VpnDaemons.java:56)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.PptpService.connect(PptpService.java:31)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnService.onConnect(VpnService.java:147)
E/VpnService( 6869): at com.android.server.vpn.VpnServiceBinder$2.run(VpnServiceBinder.java:118)
E/VpnService( 6869): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:1019)
I/VpnService( 6869): disconnecting VPN...
D/VpnSettings( 6858): received connectivity: Home: connected? DISCONNECTING err=0
I/SProxy_mtpd( 6869): Stop VPN daemon: mtpd
Edit 2 - Working fine today didn't restart will assume that fixed it.
Upload to picasa is also giving me a "Failed Service Error" message.
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService.onStart Intent { act=com.google.android.apps.uploader.action.UPLOAD cmp=com.google.android.apps.uploader/.UploadService (has extras) }
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService will retry 59466689746072290 (IMG_20130309_181325.jpg)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService starting new thread
W/InputManagerService( 260): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2b384ec8
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Getting lh2 authToken for _@gmail.com
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Uploading ticketID: 59466689746072290
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Getting lh2 authToken for _@gmail.com
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Waiting for upload request ...
W/MediaUploader( 6600): Unexpected response 550 null
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadListener.applicationFailure
D/MediaUploader( 6600): com.google.android.apps.uploader.a: Service error
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at com.google.android.apps.uploader.s.b(SourceFile:238)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at com.google.android.apps.uploader.s.a(SourceFile:201)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at aU.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at U.a(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at U.g(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at W.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at T.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): ... continuing after upload request
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Releasing WiFi lock
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService stopping self
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService will retry 59466689746072290 (IMG_20130309_181325.jpg)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService starting new thread
W/InputManagerService( 260): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@2b384ec8
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Getting lh2 authToken for _@gmail.com
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Uploading ticketID: 59466689746072290
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Getting lh2 authToken for _@gmail.com
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Waiting for upload request ...
W/MediaUploader( 6600): Unexpected response 550 null
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadListener.applicationFailure
D/MediaUploader( 6600): com.google.android.apps.uploader.a: Service error
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at com.google.android.apps.uploader.s.b(SourceFile:238)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at com.google.android.apps.uploader.s.a(SourceFile:201)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at aU.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at U.a(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at U.g(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at W.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): at T.run(Unknown Source)
D/MediaUploader( 6600): ... continuing after upload request
D/MediaUploader( 6600): Releasing WiFi lock
D/MediaUploader( 6600): UploadService stopping self
Syncing the Picasa folders do work, my gallery is synced with all the current uploads. It might be caused by the fact that I didn't wipe the data but seeing how everything else works I don't think that's the case.
Edit: guessing it's probably my end for the picasa upload issue. Wouldn't make sense for that one feature to break.
Wifi seems to work slightly better. The previous version gave me a lot of issues with wifi giving "error" and not starting up. For some odd reason it seems to only get a local IP but doesn't change DNS servers. I can connect to google through the IP and I can connect to the router via IP but google.com would fail. So in the end I will still need to restart my phone to get wifi working.