Well-Known Member
I had a battery drain with 10-25, but it turned out that the CPU was clocking at the default speeds and not my normal underclocked settings. You might want to check to make sure that your cpu is set at speed that you run normally. I was using system tuner using init.d scripts to set the speed at startup. Unfortunately, this does not always seem to work with cm9. I switched to apply after boot completed.
You can also check data usage. That might help you pinpoint alternative causes of battery drain. I don't think the battery stats app is fully functional.
I don't think you mention whether you did a complete wipe before flashing the new rom. Not wiping can cause problems.
In any case, other than cpu settings issue, i have not noticed any other unusual battery drains from 10-25 or 10-28.
Good luck.
I actually wipe everything twice when switching between ROMs just to be safe. With the 10-25 build I used the smooth governor to try it out, and now I'm using savagedzen with no problems. Maybe that was the issue?