is there a way to flash back only the original aosp lockscreen theme but keep the rest of the default 2.2 theme? i like the theme i suppose, but i love the look of the stock aosp theme.
or even if there's a stock ZVD theme (i flashed one i found on this forum and it didn't even change the dialer/contacts/etc icons to stock)
i stopped using broken out when i started using #2 a couple days ago. but instead of LD kernel (seems all it had was minfree) i use blizkrieg kernel for its features and OC and autokiller pro for advanced minfree along with ultimate juice defender. i'm new to android in general (though not new to linux or modding devices) but so far i love this setup. juicedefender makes my battery last 1.6-1.9x longer and autokiller keeps it from ever slowing down/lagging without actually being an aggressive task killing app, just a memory management performance enhancer.
or even if there's a stock ZVD theme (i flashed one i found on this forum and it didn't even change the dialer/contacts/etc icons to stock)
i stopped using broken out when i started using #2 a couple days ago. but instead of LD kernel (seems all it had was minfree) i use blizkrieg kernel for its features and OC and autokiller pro for advanced minfree along with ultimate juice defender. i'm new to android in general (though not new to linux or modding devices) but so far i love this setup. juicedefender makes my battery last 1.6-1.9x longer and autokiller keeps it from ever slowing down/lagging without actually being an aggressive task killing app, just a memory management performance enhancer.