lol well i just found something that made me feel soooo stupid

lol i guess back when i ran through the old tweaks etc and re-arranged crap, i grabbed an older version of the sd_read_ahead speed fix.. was friggin set to 128 :/ just re-applied the newer one with 4096 and now the whole damn rom seams snappier lol and the gallery etc loads up almost instantly!! durrrr on my end
now im making a cereal change to the rom!! switching launchers!! lol
the winner by KO is HOLO launcher... hands down shit runs the smooooothest!!! adw is now another go launcher lol just over blaoted for new better phones.. and the ics launcher is extremely buggy with it latest update (ran pretty crappy...) and i just like the look and feel of HOLO.. so its what im gonna use lol, sorry if this dissapoints any of the fans..
as of right now.. i basically pulled all the tweaks out the rom.. just slowly adding what truely makes a difference lol i think there is still an issue with some tweaks over ridding others and causing badness somewhere..
and sorry if i dissapear again for a while lol but i am working on it..