Android Enthusiast
Longtime cm7 user coming from the Optimus V here. Decided to bite on the Motorola Triumph 120 dollar price on Cyber monday, and was glad to find the triumph has a good community, too. People seemed extremely helpful in the two most popular Optimus V modding sites, and it seems that the community is friendly here as well/ not filled with angry kids
First, I hope this is going in the right place. Thinking of loading MIUI on my incoming Triumph, and had a few introductory questions.
If I load one of the new "HD Fix + overclock" kernels plus this new version of MIUI coming out, is there any performance differences on some of the more popular apps if I ramp up the clockspeed to 1.9 or so (compared to a similarly clocked cm7 install)? Things that use the 3d aspects of the GPU, any differences there?
I know Swype used to have problems on all versions of MIUI, so that could be a sticking point for me if I can't text with swype. I also use GrooveIP quite a bit, and am hoping this works well with MIUI. Any other apps that famously have incompatibilities with MIUI?
Are there themes that make the system run slower than others? Live wallpapers on most android/cm7 installs made my optimus V run with a little more chug, but I'm hoping that the triumph has enough raw speed to where this isn't an issue. Obviously, the "ultimate iphone theme" is a popular miui theme from what I've read; is there any issues with this MIUI package and themes?
Thanks guys, its nice to think that there's already a cool community out there for a phone I'm getting.
MIUI with Swype is all I ever use and it works perfectly