Android Expert
I really don't like posting this because I do understand how much work is being put into this, I just don't understand what good a custom rom on a phone is if I cant actually use it as a phone. gps, bluetooth, data. awsome. but not worth anything if people cant even understand me during a phone call. I hate to sound ungratefull but i feel like i have been ignored.
edit: before I get slammed. the only response I have seen by someone working on this is that they have not made a call so they can't comment.'s beta're not being ignored, lots of us have reported bad calling sound issues and low speaker phone volume, it's called bug reporting for the beta testing. Im sure tdm is taking note of the bugs being reported and will address them as he has time.'s beta patient and go back to a fully working room if you don't like testing betas's still beta
Sixth...there is no solution to the bad call quality right now, so again, patience is key.
Seventh...your post did seem kinda ungrateful but I'm sure you are just a little confused about what beta means. So remember, it's beta, and may always be beta, but it's fun for us geeks to mess with our gadgets and some of us can deal with not having certain features so we like running custom Roms.