Android Expert
Mind pushing your device tree to github.![]()
Okay... this is the set of device trees that I used to build the multi-rom:
Should be current for beta1a.
cm_device_lge_* are heavily based on CM's repos, of course. Still working on pushing aokp device repos, probably tomorrow.
These are arranged in a common base plus device specific type setup like CM, except that iproj is a true top level buildable target that is used for the base files in the multi-rom. Both i_atnt and i_vzw should be functional for a "normal" (non-multi-rom) build.
I've put these under "thebigq" since they are not Spectrum specific. Feel free to rearrange however you like and push out to "spectrumhackers", fork to your own repos, whatever.
If you want the multi-rom build scripts, let me know. I'm planning on pushing those to thebigq/android_scripts at some point but a request for them would bump up the priority on that.