LG Optimus V. BACKside ROM. I don't know wth happened, but it has become pretty worthless. Upon boot, it says "formatting", etc. (I can't recall it exactly, for if I reboot I'm stuck.) It then begins the initial setup, the "touch the Android to begin" screen. About 9 times out of 10 I can go no further, it crashes, beginning setup again. So at this very moment it's up and running, which brings a whole new problem - it won't mount the SD card. When I choose "Mount SD Card", it immediately says "SD Card safe to remove". When I attempt to reboot into recovery mode, the usual recovery menu isn't there. There is nothing to select, it just says "formatting", and starts the whole process over again. If I could mount the SD card, I could put the ROM and recovery on there and repair. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I've been stuck like this for a month. And it's the wife's phone, so that compounds the matter. Thanks for your time.
- fieryfennix