I too ran into an issue a while back when i tried out 3G turbocharger script, i came to the conclusion that its just not compatible with this rom/phone.
and about the link2sd stuff, this is what i do everytime when i flash a new build.
-i back up EVERYTHING, apps, Sms, contacts(even though its not needed at all, its just a habit), make sure that all my apps are up to date before i backup.
-download latest build to my sd (using my phone)
-reboot into recovery, wipe/format EVERYTHING
-flash rom, and gapps
-boot phone, and do the gapps setup, go to market install link2sd.
-since i have a handful of apps installed on the sd, i wait till those install after booting up.. set up link2sd, reboot
-link the apps that were installed during initial boot and set up auto-link
-install titanium backup, restore all my 247 apps (later uninstall apps that i dont plan on using after all apps are restored)
-if i get a "low memory" message, i goto link2sd, relink everything(sometimes auto-link doesnt catch all apps when restoring, so its always good to relink occasionally)
-go back to titanium backup, make sure all apps were restored, restore those that werent.
-reboot to tighten up rom
-set up my launcher, and weed through my apps, uninstalling the ones that i dont plan on using
-sync my facebook contacts
-OC to 825/480 performance
-reboot to tighten up rom
-set up my notification widgets (previous, play, next, wifi, gps, mobiledata)
-make sure that my orientation settings are set to 0 and 90 and my brightness is set to 50% (i found that this works best for me through out day and night)
-grab the latest supercharger script, and set it up to my liking
-reboot to tighten up rom
-make sure that everything is in working order and then go on about my day
my process is very time consuming but it works for me, and i never run into any problems, other than sleep deprivation.. but thats a given