LG Fanatic
Android Enthusiast
Okay now my device is coming up as not recognized. I'm using windows 7. When I connect the USB cable I am getting a message that says "one of the USB devices attached to this computer has malfunctioned, and Windows does not recognize it...." I have had the phone less than a month why has it suddenly stopped connecting to my PC?
There are few things you can do. First, try a different USB cable and or a different USB port on your computer. Second, try rebooting your phone and see if that fixes the problem. Third, errors may have developed in the drivers for your phone so you'll need to uninstall and reinstall them. To do that, connect your device to your PC, then go the Control Panel and select "Device Manager". If your phone is connected, you should see "Other Devices" in the list, if so double click on it. You'll see a device called "Android" that is the USB driver for the Fierce 2. Right-click it and select uninstall. Once that's done, disconnect your phone from your PC, wait a few seconds and then reconnect it to your PC. The USB driver should reinstall itself on your PC and your PC should be now be detecting your phone's storage.
If you have anymore questions or more USB issues feel free to ask!