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Root S-OFF, root, & Fix Everything All-in-One!

I wanted to post to show my appreciation. Your guide made what I thought was going to be a tedious and headache causing process seem easy. The guide worked flawlessly for me.

One thing I would like to note, while it wasn't a problem (Got everything on the first try, right HBOOT and radio), I got what I thought was an unusual response when I was installing the HBOOT in step 2. As you can see in my attached pic, it says "FAILED" while it was actually successful.

Hi stupaman,
Thanks for your reply. I have noticed this problem as well - it happens sometimes & not others. I think it has to do with the rebootRUU program not being fully loaded. In any case, if you just run the command again it will work -- I've never had it "fail" twice on me.
Bravo to you good sir for making this guide. It would have saved me a couple of hours had you made it before I started the process of liberating my phone.

As a result, I didn't pay too much attention to this thread as I didn't need it for myself. I've probably opened it a few times...hell, I may have replied, but I've forgotten.

I was reading your guide, and one of the first steps talks about uninstalling HTC Sync. You don't specify that they must keep the drivers however...perhaps adding that in would alleviate a question someone may have in the future.

"If you have HTC Sync installed, now is a good time to uninstall it, but make sure you keep the drivers."

I'm not even sure it's necessary to state that so plainly, as I can't recall if during the uninstall, you're promted to remove the drivers too. I do know that they appear in the installed programs seperately.
Bravo to you good sir for making this guide. It would have saved me a couple of hours had you made it before I started the process of liberating my phone.

As a result, I didn't pay too much attention to this thread as I didn't need it for myself. I've probably opened it a few times...hell, I may have replied, but I've forgotten.

I was reading your guide, and one of the first steps talks about uninstalling HTC Sync. You don't specify that they must keep the drivers however...perhaps adding that in would alleviate a question someone may have in the future.

"If you have HTC Sync installed, now is a good time to uninstall it, but make sure you keep the drivers."

I'm not even sure it's necessary to state that so plainly, as I can't recall if during the uninstall, you're promted to remove the drivers too. I do know that they appear in the installed programs seperately.
Thank you for the kind words Palmetto Fellow :) - I'm a big fan of the palmetto state.

The reason i don't specify keeping the drivers is because the drivers are included as part of the main download, and instructions for installing them are included in the guide. To be honest I've never installed HTC Sync, because I don't like bloatware... but, do you remember if the drivers are a separate entry in Add/Remove Programs? I don't have a working hard drive right now, so I can't check on a Windows machine.
Thank you for the kind words Palmetto Fellow :) - I'm a big fan of the palmetto state.

The reason i don't specify keeping the drivers is because the drivers are included as part of the main download, and instructions for installing them are included in the guide. To be honest I've never installed HTC Sync, because I don't like bloatware... but, do you remember if the drivers are a separate entry in Add/Remove Programs? I don't have a working hard drive right now, so I can't check on a Windows machine.

I have my laptop with me, and I see these two entries:

HTC BMP USB Driver (publisher: HTC)
HTC Driver Installer (publisher: HTC Corporation)

I am pretty sure I installed HTC Sync on 1-23-13 as that's the date on those drivers. I recall removing HTC Sync and leaving both of those, and if I was a total newbie, I may have taken those drivers away too had I not known they were important.

I suppose I could uninstall the driver installer right?
I don't see why uninstalling it would break anything, but sometimes the software manufacturers come up with weird names for their stuff. If it was me, I'd uninstall it. If it breaks something, you can always reinstall the drivers.
*edit tried it again still nothing. I think is because at the system tray it said the device drivers did not install.. hmm
now the pc says it does not have a driver at all... and i tried the command again and still nothing
Another tip worth adding to your S-OFF section specifically regarding the wire-trick is to use a metronome at 45 bpm (or was it 48? both probably work). This is part of the reason I got it to work on the first try. I downloaded a metronome app on my Nexus 7 and played it for a moment at the right tempo getting a feel for the timing. Then, when I felt confident, I did the wire trick and BAM, it worked. One tap on one beat, and another one on the very next beat. Control Bear just keeps repeating the phrase "do the wire trick now" over and over until you do it...so there's really no rush.

I assume there's a website out there that will let you run a metronome at a specified tempo if the user lacks any other android devices.
Another tip worth adding to your S-OFF section specifically regarding the wire-trick is to use a metronome at 45 bpm (or was it 48? both probably work). This is part of the reason I got it to work on the first try. I downloaded a metronome app on my Nexus 7 and played it for a moment at the right tempo getting a feel for the timing. Then, when I felt confident, I did the wire trick and BAM, it worked. One tap on one beat, and another one on the very next beat. Control Bear just keeps repeating the phrase "do the wire trick now" over and over until you do it...so there's really no rush.

I assume there's a website out there that will let you run a metronome at a specified tempo if the user lacks any other android devices.
That's already in the guide... been there since day 1.
windows 7 and what drivers do i install i clicked on the application(HTCDriver_4.0.1.001_20121107.exe) like you said to do....
Yeah, those are the drivers. You'll need to install those and maybe reboot the computer for it to recognize the phone. Also disconnect the phone and reconnect it.

Is your version of Windows 7 32-bit or 64-bit?
For the 64 bit version of Windows 7 (not officially supported, but you may have success anyway), there is a subfolder in the Drivers folder that says "64 bit" on it. You need to uninstall the 32 bit drivers and install those instead. If that doesn't work, follow these instructions and resume the guide once you've got the drivers installed.
On your computer? I gave you 2 alternative methods to get the drivers working. Again, 64-bit operating systems are not supported for S-OFF, so it's up to you to figure out how it's done. I've told you everything I know about getting the drivers working on that system.
I know ,but you said to unintall the 32 bit one and install the 64 bit instead ,but where do i install it too? (there is not application in the windows 7 64 bit folder...)


When I did the instuctions from the website my pc says its not a valid location or I't can't be reached: (location is: C:\Users\owner\Desktop\adb_driver_for_you.zip)
ok I fixed the issue. I feel like an idoit now :D Thanks for the help. Continuing the guide now Wish me good luck :)
Wow I'm stuck again (sorry) now my pc is saying " "adb" is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." SO what do I do now? YEs I am typing in the whole command...
correction I ran it as a regular program with the administrator symbol and it worked.. continuing the guide.
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