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Root S-OFF, root, & Fix Everything All-in-One!

now when you say navigate do to you mean skip to step 8 or follow all instructions until you get to step 8 (and do step 8 too). and the prompt said :link: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/580/billyr.png/

Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 300F-F260

Directory of C:\shooter-root-soff-fix

03/06/2013 09:45 PM <DIR> .
03/06/2013 09:45 PM <DIR> ..
03/06/2013 09:45 PM <DIR> HTC Drivers
03/25/2013 02:26 PM <DIR> roms
03/13/2013 08:45 PM <DIR> S-OFF
0 File(s) 0 bytes
5 Dir(s) 747,643,416,576 bytes free


Could someone help?
now when you say navigate do to you mean skip to step 8 or follow all instructions until you get to step 8 (and do step 8 too)

I think he means to skip ahead and start from step 8 on the HTCdev instructions.

Because he already had you install adb/fastboot and in a different location than they tell you to. So you need to be running the commands from the directory in this guide.

Start at step 8 to get your identifier token.
Well now every time i enter what to enter at step 8 my pc says:" 'fastboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file." I think my pc disconnected with the phone (when I entered "adb reboot bootloader" because it is not listed under devices and printers. So what should I do?
You are not following the directions as they are written. Start from step one of the Step One section. Skip ONLY the part about drivers.

You should be reading one step, doing one step. Follow that the whole way through.
I have done everything in order from your tutorial until the point I'm stuck at. If you are referring to the HTC tutorial whats steps include the drivers?
No, I'm talking about this guide... there's no reason for you to not be in the correct folder. When I asked you to enter the dir command, your reply indicated that you were in the C:\shooter-root-soff-fix directory in the command prompt, which is incorrect (nowhere in the guide puts you in that folder).

From that incorrect location, I had you type cd S-OFF, which would have put you in the correct folder. Instead, you had navigated away from the problem, which has lead to more confusion. That instruction was a relative one (based upon your declared location).

You need to be in the folder C:\shooter-root-soff-fix\S-OFF as stated in the guide. Being in other folders, looking at other people's stuff on imageshack, etc. will lead to confusion. This guide has been designed to follow step by step. If you get stuck, please reference, specifically, the last step you took and do not navigate away from the problem. That's causing problems.

From your command prompt:
[HIGH]cd C:\shooter-root-soff-fix\S-OFF[/HIGH]
Ok then where would I enter the fastboot oem get_identifier_token? from the command prompt in the shooter-root-soff-fix>S-OFF folder? You told me that the guide shouldn't led me there ,but then you said I needed to be there. SO what Command Prompt would I use? the one from the folder or the system one? and what do I enter because the get_identifier_token is not working. the HTC site says I would have to create and fill with the necessary item in order to access the file. ,but you are saying I do not have to do that ,but skip to step 8 ,but that would mean you would have to type in something else... What would I type in? If you haven't realized I can get easily confused with computers sometimes.

P.S that was my friends image-shack that i was using....
Ok then where would I enter the fastboot oem get_identifier_token? from the command prompt in the shooter-root-soff-fix>S-OFF folder? You told me that the guide shouldn't led me there ,but then you said I needed to be there. SO what Command Prompt would I use? the one from the folder or the system one? and what do I enter because the get_identifier_token is not working. the HTC site says I would have to create and fill with the necessary item in order to access the file. ,but you are saying I do not have to do that ,but skip to step 8 ,but that would mean you would have to type in something else... What would I type in? If you haven't realized I can get easily confused with computers sometimes.

P.S that was my friends image-shack that i was using....

Yes. Let's just start new here. Close command prompt. Open a new command prompt.

Then type:
cd C:\shooter-root-soff-fix\S-OFF [hit enter key]

Then type: fastboot oem get_identifier_token [hit enter key]
If you are unsuccessful with Brian's steps above, please install Teamviewer and send me "Your ID" and "password" (from Teamviewer, will be a 4 digit code) via PM. I'll show you how to get to the right place.
Got the code! YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! continuing the guide now....
how do i know if my phone is unlocked then I do not see anything at the top.. it asked me to set it up again... Should I do that?
that blue+green+yellow+oranged color screen you get when you unbox the phone and when i unlock it it wants me to choose what language to set up my phone with..
You need to be in the bootloader.

Pull your battery out.

Press and hold the volume-down button.

While holding volume-down, press the power button... resume the guide.
Did what yous said...,but in the guide the Hboot should say fastboot usb on it ,but I do not see that anywhere is that a problem or should I continue? *edit I see fastboot(not usb) will that work?
I typed in the command and it said" sending 'recovery' (6914 KB)...OKAY
writing 'recovery'...OKAY ,but i did not see HBOOT reboot The screen is still at the point where i can select bootloader (highlighted in BLUE) under the fastboot usb.

Should I do the command again? or continue
regular bootup screen came up again.. should I go back into Hboot menu thing? Im at step 8 under step 1
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